Outside Circle: Listen and Observe. (It’s an important skill) Fill out the “listening guide” Inside Circle: You must make 2 meaningful comments or questions to get a 100 for the day. Once you make those 2 comments, you can switch with someone on the outside.
I will show some quotes, pictures, and descriptions. Comment on what you see, feel, believe, know, or don’t know.
The Holocaust was the systematic slaughter of Jews and other groups judged inferior by the Nazis Germans believed in the Aryan race-a “master race” The “Final Solution” The Holocaust was the solution to Germany’s problems
“People find it easier to do evil than to do good.” Do you agree? Why/why not? How does this relate to the Holocaust?
What do you think happened?
“Night of Broken Glass” Nazi attacks on Jewish stores, buildings, and synagogues In reaction to murder of German diplomat
“Most people are likely to conform rather than act on their own individual values.” Do you agree? Why/why not? How does this relate to the Holocaust?
Jews began to leave Germany but countries shut their doors to immigrants (US, Britain and France) Ghettos- designated areas in cities used to segregate Jews
“Most people avoid the truth if it is painful.” Do you agree? Why/why not? How does this relate to the Holocaust?
“Life is a constant struggle: those not powerful enough to rise to the top deserve whatever they get.” Do you agree? Why/why not? How does this relate to the Holocaust?
Why didn’t they?
How do we prevent something similar?
How can you fight “evil” in your own world?