National Association of Healthcare Access Management Strategic Planning Session-Survey Results Washington, DC January, 1999
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Background Information The largest group of respondents have been members for two years or less The majority of the respondents are not certified CHAMs Most of the respondents have The primary responsibility for most is Multi-Site Operator
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Membership Directory (Rating of importance of) Extremely Important: Usefulness as a tool for networking Important: New edition every other year Inclusion of bylaws/constitution Inclusion of full committee memberships Inclusion of com. Chairpersons with contact info. Healthcare info. Sys. of members
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Membership Directory (Rating of importance of - cont.) Somewhat Important: Past presidents and honorary members Not Very Important: Past awards & scholarship info. & recipients Past conferences dates & locations
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Annual Conferences The largest group of respondents attend the conference “sometimes” Most members are reimbursed for all the expenses listed The largest group of respondents feel the value they received matches the cost of the conference
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Annual Conferences (cont.) Decision to attend the conference is based on: (in ranking order) 1.Curriculum 2.Org. financial support 3.Cost 4.Proximity 5.Networking 6.Time of the year
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Annual Conferences (cont.) Of the respondents who have not attended the conference the majority said it was for reasons other than the ones listed in the survey Most of the members would support joint conferencing with other organizations April-May are the most preferred months for the conference; the period from November to March is the least preferred one; however this is the second most preferred option
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Publications Most members read the Journal in its entirety Most of the members who read less than 50% do so due to time constraints The topic/article mostly read is “Regulatory/Compliance”, followed by “Process Improvement” and “JCAHO” Most respondents share the Journal with 1-2 people who are most likely to represent the “Registration” function.
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Publications (cont.) The minority of respondents who do not read “Connections” cite time constraints The members who do read “Connections” are most likely to read the “Regional Reports” section The majority of the members is evenly split in their preference to receiving 4 or 2 issues of “Connections” per year. Most of the respondents feel it would be useful to offer “Connections” via the Internet.
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Scholarships/CHAM & Credentialing Process The largest group of respondents consider the offering of a scholarship by NAHAM as “not very important”. “Lack of time” is the reason provided by more respondents to explain why they have not become a CHAM
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Local/Regional Educational Opportunities Local/regional educational opportunities sponsored by NAHAM - Extremely Important Most members would attend such opportunities if the registration fee were $50-75, the length of the program one day and travel time less than two hours
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Local/Regional Educational Opportunities (cont.) Sponsorship should include: (in ranking order) 1.Hold regular NAHAM seminars 2.Co-sponsor with local/regional associations 3.Speaker info. 4.Financial support 5.Marketing
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Local/Regional Educational Opportunities (cont.) Most members replied that 1-2 staff of all levels listed would be able to attend the educational opportunities outlined above The program to be attended by the majority of the survey respondents is the one including “Hot topics” followed by “Compliance” More respondents believe that it is extremely important for NAHAM to provide opportunities for front line staff education
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Local/Regional Educational Opportunities (cont.) The largest group of respondents consider the provision of certification for front line staff education as an “extremely important” NAHAM function The largest group of members would be “somewhat likely” to purchase a staff certification program if it were to include only global/nationwide information
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Local/Regional Educational Opportunities (cont.) The largest group of respondents would be “extremely likely to purchase a staff certification program if it were to include global/nationwide and a template for organization specific information
Smith Bucklin Management Consulting Membership Services The majority of respondents indicated that they either have never contacted the National Office or have done so only 1 to 4 times in the last year Out of 113 survey respondents who have contacted the office more than once, most of them rate the services “very good” in terms of responsiveness, courtesy, and promptness answering the phone The same group rates the Board of Directors as “very good” in terms of courtesy, prompt response to inquiries, and resolution of issues