Competition and Co-operation as seen from Geographic Information Services at Statistics Finland The 3rd Nordic Marketing Conference Helsinki WS 4: Competition and Co-operation on the Market of Statistical Services Ulla-Maarit Saarinen, Statistics Finland
A 2 Competition and Co-operation on the Market of Geographic Information Data and Services as seen from Statistics Finland the size of markets in Finland - and abroad? the number of competitors the nature of “a small society” a challenge: the same companies and organisations are at the same time both competitors and co-operators mutual dependencies (e.g. data)
A 3 Co-operation … and competition? Statistics Finland and Population Register Centre a co-operation group on GIS services -> aim at a co- operation on the GIS customer service co-operation on data quality Statistics Finland and Finland Post Corp. discussions on developing co-operation between three partners’ group (SF, Post and a GIS and mapping company)
A 4 Statistics Finland and GIS software companies and mapping agencies co-operation on data producing co-operation on quality development co-operation on reselling Statistics Finland and other information service producers (public and private sectors)
A 5 A couple of examples (simplified) An example of a co-operation model plan Co-operative organisation data GIS expertise Customer SF Customer orders Data and services Competititon ? Service to customer orders Customer orders: data inquiries Customer orders: data inquiries Data and services Not necessarily, if - each one’s strengths and weaknesses are acknowleged - distribution of work is right - data and services have differences - benefits for each one
A 6 An example of co-operation in producing GIS data Customers Co-operative organisation/ company Data SF Customers
A 7 An example of roles SF A Customer A customer as a a customer, a developper and a competitor? Data Modified data Selling of the data Other customers Selling of the data