Meshless parameterization and surface reconstruction Reporter: Lincong Fang 16th May, 2007
Parameterization Problem: Given a surface S in R 3, find a one-to-one function f : D-> R 3, D R 2, such that the image of D is S. f D S
Surface Reconstruction Problem: Given a set of unorganized points, approximate the underlying surface.
Related Works Surface reconstruction Delaunay / Voronoi based Implicit methods Provable Parameterization for organized point set f
Mesh Parameterization There are many papers
Meshless Parameterization f
Papers Meshless parameterization and surface reconstruction Michael S. Floater, Martin Reimers, CAGD 2001 Meshless parameterization and B-spline surface approximation Michael S. Floater, in The Mathematics of Surfaces IX, Springer-Verlag (2000) Efficient Triangulation of point clouds using floater parameterization Tim Volodine, Dirk Roose, Denis Vanderstraeten, Proc. of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing Triangulating point clouds with spherical topology Kai Hormann, Martin Reimers, Proceedings of. Curve and Surface Design, 2002 Meshing point clouds using spherical parameterization M. Zwicker, C. Gotsman, Eurographics 2004 Meshing genus-1 point clouds using discrete one-forms Geetika Tewari, Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler, Computers & Graphics 2006 Meshless thin-shell simulation based on global conformal parameterization Xiaohu Guo, Xin Li, Yunfan Bao, Xianfeng Gu, Hong Qin, IEEE ToV and CG 2006
Basic Idea Given X=(x 1, x 2,…, x n ) in R 3, compute U = (u 1, u 2,…, u n ) in R 2 Triangulate U Obtain both a triangulation and a parameterization for X
Compute U Assumptions X are samples from a 2D surface Topology is known Desirable property Points closed by in U are close by in X
Michael S. Floater Professor at the Department of Informatics (IFI) of the University of Oslo, and member of the Center of Mathematics for Applications(CMA), Norway. Editor of the journal Computer Aided Geometric Design.
Martin Reimers Postdoctor CMA, University of Olso, Norway
Meshless parameterization and surface reconstruction Authors: Michael S. Floater Michael S. Floater Martin Reimers Martin Reimers Computer Aided Geometric Design 2001 Main reference : Parameterization and smooth approximation of surface triangulations, Michael S. Floater, CAGD 1997
Convex Contraints Boundary condition : map boundary of X to points on a unit circle If x j ’s are neighbors of x i then require u i to be a strictly convex combination of u j ’s Solve resulting linear system Au = b
Identify Boundary Use natural boundary (given as part of the data) Choose a boundary manually Compute boundary Identify boundary points Order boundary points : curve reconstruction
Compute Boundary Identify boundary points Order boundary points
Neighbors and Weights Ball neighborhoods Radius is fixed K nearest neighborhoods Weights Uniform weights Reciprocal distance weights Shape preserving weights
Uniform Weights Uniform weights : (minimizing ) If N i ∪ {i} = N k ∪ {k}, then u i =u k
Reciprocal Distance Weights Weights: Observation: Minimizing Chord parameterization for curves Distinct parameter points Well behaved triangulation
Shape Preserving Weights
CPU Usage Reciprocal distance weights Shape preserving weights
Effect of Noise No Noise Noise added Reciprocal distance weight
Meshless parameterization and B-spline surface approximation Author: Michael S. Floater Michael S. Floater in The Mathematics of Surfaces IX, R. Cipolla and R. Martin (eds.), Springer- Verlag (2000)
Meshless Parameterization Point setMeshless parameterization
Triangulation Delaunay triangulationSurface triangulation
Reparameterization Shape-preserving parameterization Spline surface
Retriangulation Delaunay retriangulationSurface retriangulation
Example Point set Triangulation Spline surface
Example Point setTriangulationSpline surface
Tim Volodine PhD student, research assistant K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Dirk Roose Professor Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Head of the research group Scientific Computing K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Denis Vanderstraeten Director of Research and IPR at Metris J2EE Business Analyst / Software Engineer Belgium
Efficient triangulation of point clouds using Floater Parameterization Authors: Tim Volodine Tim Volodine Dirk Roose Dirk Roose Denis Vanderstraeten Denis Vanderstraeten Proc. of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing Main reference : Mean value coordinates, Michael S. Floater, CAGD 2003
Boundary Extraction Boundary points :
Order Boundary Points
Mean Value Weight
Kai Hormann Assistant professor Department of informatics, Computer graphics group Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Triangulating point clouds with spherical topology Authors: Kai Hormann Kai Hormann Martin Reimers Martin Reimers Proceedings of. Curve and Surface Design 2002
Spherical Topology
Partition Point set 12 nearest neighbors Shortest path Correspond to the edges of D
Reconstruction of one subset
Optimization Optimizing 3D triangulations using discrete curvature analysis Dyn N., K. Hormann, S.-J. Kim, and D. Levin
Matthias Zwicker Assistant Professor Computer Graphics Laboratory University of California, San Diego, USA
Craig Gotsman Professor Department of Computer Science Harvard University
Meshing point clouds using spherical parameterization Authors: Matthias Zwicker Matthias Zwicker Craig Gotsman Craig Gotsman Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004 Main references : Fundamentals of spherical parameterization for 3d meshes Gotsman C., Gu X., Sheffer A. SiG 2003 Computing conformal structures of surfaces Gu X., Yau S.-T. Communications in Information and Systems 2002
Spherical parameterization
Spherical Parameterization
O(n 2 ) Complexity
Geetika Tewari Graduate Student Computer Science, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University
Steven J. Gortler Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science Harvard University
Meshing genus-1 point clouds using discrete one-forms Authors: Geetika Tewari Geetika Tewari Craig Gotsman Craig Gotsman Steven J. Gortler Steven J. Gortler Computers & Graphics 2006 Main references : Computing conformal structures of surfaces Gu X., Yau S.-T. Communications in Information and Systems 2002 Discrete one-forms on meshes and applications to 3D mesh parameterization Gortler SJ, Gotsman C, Thurston D. CAGD 2006
Discrete one-forms
Seamless local parameterization
MCB : Minimal Cycle Basis
MCB Cycles on a KNNG MCBMCB : Minimal cycle basis Trivial cycle Nontrivial cycle O(E 3 ) time One Forms on Arbitrary Graph
One-forms on the KNNG
Parameterize subgraphs
Summary Disk topology Fast and efficient Complex topology Slow Other Methods More applications Surface fitting Ect.