Chapter 2: Organic Molecules of Life
Biochemistry and Matter Biochemistry is the study of the chemical building blocks that make up living things. Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass. Example:
Atoms Atom = the building block of matter; the smallest possible particle of a chemical element that still retains the properties of the element. Example:
Elements A pure substance that consists of only one type of atom. Example:
Molecules Form when two or more atoms are held together by a covalent bond. The atoms being held together can be two of the same type of atom, or two different atoms.
Carbohydrates Organic compounds made of up of sugar molecules. Contains C, H and O arranged in various ways. Simple sugars like glucose are the monomers of some complex polymers.
Lipids Lipids or fats are macromolecules that are hydrophobic (non-polar). The lipid polymer is made of monomers called glycerol and fatty acids. These monomers are mainly made of C,H,O. The help in energy storage. Form cell membrane. Provide insulation.
Nucleic Acid Nucleic Acid polymers like DNA and RNA are made of monomers called Nucleotides. These nucleotide monomers are mainly made of C,H,O,P. Nucleic acids help to store and transmit genetic instruction.
Proteins Proteins are made of monomers called amino acids. -There are 21 aa found in nature. The amino acids are mainly made of C,H,O,N. Proteins are formed when different kinds of amino acids come together to form a unique shape. Shape of a protein determines its function.
Inquiry Activity Smallest particle in our body: The purest form of a particle: Help in storing genetic information: Are made of two or more elements: Have monomers called glycerol and fatty acids: Macromolecules whose resultant shape determines their function:
Enzymes Goals: 1.Why are enzymes important to living things? 2.Explain how enzymes work Enzyme activity
Enzymes Enzymes = catalysts in living things. -They speed up the chemical reactions in living cells, and are not used up in the reaction.
Enzyme – Substrate Complex Substrate = the molecule that is being acted on by the enzyme Active Site = the place on the enzyme where the substrate attaches Enzyme – substrate complex = when the substrate is attached to the enzyme Products = the molecules at the end of the reaction Lock and key relationship
What affects enzymes? The pH of it’s surroundings. Low pH (acid) denatures enzymes; high pH (basic) slows enzymes. Temperature - High temperature denatures enzymes; low temperature slows them down. Concentration – More enzymes means reactions go faster. Not enough enzymes will slow reactions.