Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Color Magnitude Diagrams & LFs of resolved galaxies Distribution & kynematics of gas in disks & halos - galaxy rotation curves Elemental abundances of stars & gas Search & study of the relics of galaxy formation Chemical evolution models The Cosmic Evolution of Baryons The Cosmic Evolution of galactic Structures Studying the process of galaxy formation in situ
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Staff : M. Bellazzini (AR), L. Federici (AR), F. Fusi Pecci (AO), L. Origlia (AR), R. Sancisi (AO), M. Tosi (AO) Post Doc: E. Pancino, D. Romano PhD Students: L. Angeretti, F. Fraternali, S. Galleti, L. Monaco, A. Sollima Technical Support: P. Montegriffo, E. Rossetti
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution A short panoramic view A few examples Some highlights
Star Formation Histories from synthetic CMDs Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The most widely used method to infer SFH of resolved galaxie was invented here Tosi et al. 1991
M. Tosi (OAB), L. Angeretti (Uni.Bo), L.Greggio (OAPd), F.Annibali (SISSA), A. Aloisi (STScI), C. Leitherer (STScI) e.g. NGC1705 BCD at 5.1 Mpc HST-WFPC2/NIC2 data Deep, high-res photometry allows to resolve stellar populations and derive CMDs. From them, the method provides SF history and IMF Spatially resolved SFH in the local Universe
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The disk and the halo of M31 with HST Tomography of the stellar content S. Galleti L. Federici F. Fusi Pecci C. Cacciari M. Bellazzini
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Chemical enrichment by recursive bursts of SF People: Origlia, Comastri, OA-BO Ranalli, Uni-BO Maiolino, OA-Arcetri TNG XMM XMM 2keV 1keV 0.7keV M82 the nuclear SB the nuclear SB Stellar abundances from NIR spectra Gas abundances from X-ray spectra
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Omega Cen: the relic of a galactic building block? Omega Cen:the Rosetta Stone of chemical evolution SOFI: NIR – MR spectroscopy UVES Optical Hi Res Spectroscopy ESO > stars ESO SOFI > stars HST ACS > stars Abundance Analysis AGE Metal Content
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Omega Cen:the Rosetta Stone of chemical evolution Flames & UVES 130 SGB stars at low res. More than 700 RGB stars at high res. E. Pancino M. Bellazzini L. Origlia A. Sollima F. Ferraro (Un.)
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Models of chemical evolution in galaxies The key interpretative tool for the observations of the chemical enrichment An example: primordial nucleosynthesis The predictions of our models on Deuterium verified by WMAP Comparisons of this kind will soon be possible also in nearby external galaxies (UVES-Flames) M. Tosi, D. Romano
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The relics of the hyerarchical merging process Local detailed test of the CDM cosmology The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy M. Bellazzini, L. Monaco, E. Pancino; F. Ferraro, R. Ibata
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy WFI photometry of a 1 deg X 1 deg field ( stars): SFH & structure The Main Body SGR: a nucleated galaxy at 25 kpc VLT-Flames spectra of more than 300 stars: abundance & dynamics
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Sgr Dwarf galaxy: The Stream Globular Clusters in the Sgr Stream The contribution of Sgr to the assembly of the Galactic Halo
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The relics of the hyerarchical merging process Local detailed test of the CDM cosmology The discovery of the Canis Major galaxy: The relic of an in-plane accretion onto the MW Overdensity of M giants Substructure of GCs CMD from archive data
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution The discovery of the Canis Major galaxy: The discovery of the Canis Major galaxy: The relic of an in-plane accretion onto the MW Kynematics & SFH: constraints to galaxy formation models Stream Kynematics: detailed contraints on the Galactic potential DM cusps & streams: impact on neutralino search experiments
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Gas kynematics & Gas kynematics & the structure of gaseous discs NGC 6946 HVC in external galaxies Gas disc & velocity fields Velocitycurves&Massprofiles Substructures in gaseous discs R. Sancisi F. Fraternali
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution TELESCOPE TIME TELESCOPE TIME ESO others: 9 nights ESO VLT: 21 nights TNG: 21 nights Westerbork: 40 X 12h HST: 177 orbits Keck: 3 nights
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution Publications Invited talks : 10GrantEuros N. P.I. Type Cofin Castellani par Cofin Danziger tot Cofin Tornambé par Cofin Danziger tot Cofin Gratton n/tot Cofin Tosi par Cofin Gratton par ASI Tosi tot TOT531300
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution An expanding field What we need short/medium term (or the keys of our expansion) Access to grants (COFIN) PhD Students International collaborations Access to key facilities VLT, HST, JWT Technical support Software developement What we need long term Italian participation to large long-term programmes as SDSS, 2MASS
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies Stars, Gas & Dark Matter, Chemical & Dynamical Evolution