Darby By: Kit Brown
Characters Darby- Darby is a 9 year old 3 rd grade girl and she writes newspaper articles for the Bennettsville Times. Evette- Evette is also a 9 year old 3 rd grade girl but she is black. She edits Darby’s articles and she is a tenant farmer on Darby’s farm. Mr. Dunn- Mr. Dunn is a mean man who beat a black boy to death because he thought he stole a chicken, People also think that Mr. Dunn is part of the Ku Klux Klan. Mr. Carmichael- Mr. Carmichael is Darby’s dad he is the owner of Carmichael Dry Goods. Mr. Salter- Mr. Salter is the newspaper editor. He puts Darby’s articles in the paper.
Settings Darby’s house Outside of Evette’s house Carmichael Dry Goods Beth’s House
Problem The problem is that Darby & her dad are helping blacks and the Ku Klux Klan is trying to threaten them to make them stop and then Darby puts an article in the paper about blacks not being treated fairly and made a huge fuss and almost split the town apart. Mr. Dunn is not happy with any of this stuff so he lights a cross on fire on both Mr. Salter and Mr. Carmichaels lawn.
What’s the Ku Klux Klan In the book Darby The Ku Klux Klan is a secret group of white people who don’t like black people around them. They treat them unfairly and do not like people who help blacks. They burned a cross on Darby’s family’s lawn. This is a picture of the KKK burning a cross like they did in Darby.
About the story The story is about a girl with a best friend who is black but they have to keep it a secret. As the story moves on more and more bad things happen like the Ku Klux Klan is lighting crosses on fire and throwing bricks through windows. Darby writes a big article about blacks and how they’re not being treated fairly so there becomes a huge fight in the town & Darby has to fix it. The main part is how blacks were starting to get treated fairly.
Solution The town starts to fight against the Ku Klux Klan and eventually win. After that the town started to clear up & blacks had better schools and were aloud to be friends there were still tenant farmers but Mr. Dunn had to live with it and Darby and Evette continued to be friends.
The End Hope you enjoyed the show!