INTRO: GEOGRAPHY, INDIAN OCEAN The Indian Ocean is bound by Africa to the West, Asia to the West, Asia to the North, Indonesia and Australia to the East, and Arctic Ocean to the South. It’s absolute location is 20˚ South and 80˚ East It covers roughly 68.5 million square miles
GEOGRAPHY CONT. Major countries that have coastline on the Indian Ocean include: Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Somalia, Madagascar.
BOXING DAY CONT. The Earthquake and the tsunami it caused happened on December 26, Also known as Boxing Day Boxing Day is the day after Christmas, and is recognized by the commonwealth nations. On this day, workers/employees receive gifts from their bosses/employers. Countries who practice Boxing Day who were also affected by the tsunami on this day in 2004 are: India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique
WHAT HAPPENED Early in the morning on Boxing Day, magnitude earthquake. 160 KM off the coast of mainland Indonesia. The rupture in the sea floor displaced massive amounts of water.
WHAT HAPPENED CONT. 9.1 magnitude earthquake occurred 30km below sea level, approx. 19 miles. From south to north, the sea floor ruptured at a speed of 2.8 kilometers per second The rupture is 1,000km long or approximately 600 miles.
WHAT HAPPENED CONT. Comparisons: 2004 Indian Ocean rupture: 600 miles long Grand Canyon: 277 miles long Western border of Utah: 560 miles long
WHAT HAPPENED CONT. At first, the waves were small and very fast through the ocean. But as the depth of the water decreased, and as the waves approached land, they slowed down and increased in size to make the destructive, killer waves that go several miles inland
WHO WAS AFFECTED The Resulting displacement of water caused tsunamis to hit the shores of 18 countries. Approximately 230,000 people died. Millions left homeless. At least 9,000 of those deaths were confirmed as tourists from other countries. Most devastated + ~Death toll and Indonesia: 165,000, Sri Lanka: 35,000 India: 15,000 Thailand: 7,000 Total monetary damage across all countries, (IN USD) About 15 Billion.
OTHER COUNTRIES AFFECTED Somalia: 78 dead Kenya: 1 dead Tanzania: 10 dead Madagascar: 1 dead Yemen: 2 dead Maldives: 82 dead Burma(Myanmar): 61 Seychelles: 1 Bangladesh: 2 South Africa: 2
RELIEF The most devastated countries like Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka each had hundreds of thousands of homeless after the tsunami. One of the few coastal areas to evacuate ahead of the tsunami was on the Indonesian island of Simeulue States of emergency were declared in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Maldives.
INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM Nearly all of the victims were taken completely by surprise. There were no tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean to detect tsunamis or to warn the general populace living around the ocean. The Pacific Ocean has had a warning system since the 1940s. Thailand and Indonesia belong to the Pacific Ocean Warning System. Most of the nations have seismological units which are used to measure an earthquake, but not all earth quakes generate a Tsunami.
WARNING SYSTEM CONT. All countries surrounding the Indian Ocean are considered to be third-world countries and they didn’t have enough funding to build one. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System was constructed and it became operational in 2006 and functioned successfully during the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes.
A FEW STATS The United nations estimated (at the time of occurance) that the relief operation to be the costliest in human history. It was reported that roughly 1/3 of the dead were children. They were least able to resist and fight surging waters and were overwhelmed Four times more women than men were killed in some regions. They were tending the house and looking after children, and waiting on the beach for their fisherman husbands to return.