Tsunami Recovery Plan By: Danielle Rosero
Disaster Analysis: Intro The tsunami was caused by the collision of tectonic plates, which created an earthquake under water. The earthquake disturbs the seabed and sends energy through the water, making large waves that get even bigger near the coastline.
Disaster Analysis: Explanation The tsunami destroyed many buildings, and flooded much of the land. The rest of the infrastructure was greatly damaged. Thousands of people were killed and injured, while almost everyone affected had lost their homes. There was also the threat of diseases like malaria from all the flooding.
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Disaster Analysis
Disaster Relief: Intro The people are affected in many ways, such as losing shelter, as well as not having water or food supplies. Also medical help is needed for those who are injured. Flood waters can cause health risks, and worsen already existing diseases. Deaths abound, and without shelter or help the people are only more susceptible to danger.
Disaster Relief: Solution In order to help with this crisis, I would first establish many medical help ‘stations’ around different areas of the disaster zone, making medical aid available to everyone, as well as sending out search groups to find anyone injured. Shots against any diseases would also be given. Then temporary shelters would be set up for all the people. In all the shelters, there would be food and water and any other needs that would be needed. Tsunami warning devices would be created, and scientists can keep track of when there might be danger of another tsunami striking. If something like this were to happen, everyone would be notified and advised to evacuate as soon as possible. The infrastructure would need to be improved. Buildings should be made of a strong material, perhaps there should be a limit of how close to the coast homes and buildings should be. Roads and other things pertaining to the infrastructure would be remade even better and stronger, in order to not be so easily damaged in the future. All countries willing would assist with the money needed to repair the damage done.
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