Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September " Introduction to the FNAL UAF and other US facilities " “work in progress Hans Wenzel Fermilab ● Introduction ● What Facilities exists for USCMS physicists at FNAL, UCSD, CALTECH ● How do we get an account? ● How do we connect? ● How do we set up the CMS environment?
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September ● Show what is available ● Show that things are working and useful! ●
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September What facilities are available? Fermilab UAF (User Analysis Farm) Caltech pTier2 support/ support/ UCSD: php
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September How to get started at UCSD (1) request access -> send your fnal krb5 principal name to and request access to sdsccaf as cms user (2) prepare your account at t2cms03 -> create.k5login just like ~fkw/.k5login except replacing fkw appropriately (3) do a simple test submission cp ~fkw/test.tgz. cp ~fkw/submit.sh edit./submit.sh appropriately (replace fkw byt your username, replace outLocation with one of your dir on t2cms03 of your choice.) make sure you have a krb5 ticket. E.g. do "klist". If your ticket doesn't show up then do kinit../submit.sh
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September The UAF Web sites The User Analysis Farm Introduction to physics analysis: Available Mass storage systems and how to use them: Getting help: or send mail to: Start here:
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September Obtaining a CMS account at FNAL/CERN Step 1: Get a Valid Fermilab ID Step 2: Get a fnalu account and CMS account Step 3: Get a Kerberos principal and krypto card Step 4: Information for first-time CMS account users To get in: ssh -t bigmac.fnal.gov +r TEST (only for Tutorial)
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September UAF: User Analysis Farm
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September ml Mass Storage:
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September Available disk areas /storage/data/ /storage/data1/ /storage/data2/uaf/ Caution!!! not backed up, Right now no quotas ----> be nice to each other General Setup: source "/afs/fnal.gov/ups/etc/setups.csh" source /afs/fnal.gov/files/code/cms/setup/cshrc fnal setup dcap -q +unsecured setup kerberos setup fbsng
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September Available Data sets: /storage/data2/uaf/tutorial/zpmumu/PoolFileCatalog.xml InputCollections = /System/myDST/zprime_mumu /storage/data2/uaf/tutorial/h300eemm/PoolFileCatalog.xml InputCollections = /System/myDST/h300eemm
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September Integrating the Desktop Besides central computing make use of the powerful PC's running linux (plenty of disk, cpu, freedom, it's all yours..) Created CMS desktop workgroup containing everything you need to run CMS software on your PC (afs....). CMS software is kept up to date in AFS. Two rpms need to be installed in addition GNU.LANG_gcc-alt i386.rpm GNU.LANG_gcc-alt i386.rpm
Hans Wenzel CMS 101 September
How to connect? FNAL UAF Kerberized ssh or cryptocard ssh –t bigmac.fnal.gov UCSD Kerberized ssh or cryptocard ssh –t CALTECH?????