Getting Started: An ELL Teacher’s Guide for the First Two Weeks of School ELL Resource Team
Overview Week 1: Rosters Scheduling Preparing for W-APT testing Setting up your teaching space Locating the curriculum and materials Collaborating with your principal and ELL team Using the ELL Guide 2
3 Finding Out Who Your LEP Students Are The first step to planning your school year is to get a roster of the LEP students at your school. In the next few slides, we will walk you through using ELLevation.
4 Finding Out Who Your LEP Students Are To Navigate Ellevation: Navigate to Ellevation’s homepage using any Web browser (do not use Internet Explorer) from your PC or iPad: Click on the Login button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Enter your Login ID and Password. If you are logging in for the first time, your login information will be as follows: Login ID: first part of your cms address (minus Password: Password*1
Finding Out Who Your LEP Students Are 1. From the Reports and Letters box on the Home screen, select the listing Student Roster with Recent ELP Scores. 2. Add a Filter by selecting from the drop-down: -Filter for your school. 3. To get a listing of Current LEP students set LEP Status to LEP Direct or to get a listing of all language minority students set LEP Status to All. 4. Click Generate Listing to generate the report. The report will open in a new window. 5. The report can be downloaded as a PDF or exported to CSV by clicking Download PDF or Export CSV. 5
6 You will need the following to create your schedule: Classroom Rosters The Master Schedule A list of the students you will be serving Creating a Schedule
7 Preparing for W-APT Testing Ask your Testing Coordinator for a list of the students who will be W-APT tested. Go through Kindergarten cumulative folders.
8 Setting Up Your Teaching Space ESL Technology: locate the technology in your building that is assigned to the ESL team. Plug everything in and make sure it is working. Organize your materials and create an inviting space that is full of supports for ELLs!
9 Locating the Curriculum and Supplemental Materials It is important to locate the curriculum and materials for the ELLs in your school. The following videos will show you what resources are available.
10 Ordering Materials If you cannot locate one of the resources pictured in the videos, please let your school’s Textbook Coordinator know.
11 Arrange an initial meeting with the other ESL teachers at your school. Schedule a meeting with your principal. Setting Up Your ESL Program
12 Familiarizing Yourself with All Things “ELL” Remember to use your ELL Guide (Leading the Way for ELLs) Take a look at the TELL Wiki for additional resources, PD opportunities, and more!TELL Wiki
13 Congratulations! You’ve made it through week 1! Hooray! Now let’s look at what you can begin doing in week 2…
14 Overview Week 2: Looking at the data for ELLs Sharing data with classroom teachers W-APT training and testing Determining your ELL program model and materials
15 Deciphering the Data ACCESS data Print a report from ELLevation with the proficiency levels for each student Add in other data points such as Reading 3D, MAP, and common assessments Determine the level of service
17 Sharing “Can-Do” Descriptors with Classroom Teachers Highlight where each LEP student falls on the “Can-Do” chart and give this information to classroom teachers during the next grade level planning.
19 Training and Testing Set up a time with your Testing Coordinator to go through the training module and to take the online quizzes through the WiDA Website.WiDA Website After you have completed the training, meet with your ESL team or testing team to determine a plan of action for W-APT testing.
20 Determining Your Program Model Have you found or created a lesson plan template that matches the service delivery model you will use? Remember that some ideas can be found here!here Have you matched the curricular materials to the service model you’ll be implementing? If you are planning to co-teach, find a time each week when you can meet and plan with your co-teacher.
21 Thank you! The ELL Resource Team looks forward to meeting each of you in person! For additional support, please attend the New ELL Teacher PLC on September 18 th from 3:30PM- 5:00PM at Smith Family Center.