Income / Education November 2013 Ms. Lynch
Let’s get started! Do you have a job? If yes, do you know what minimum wage is? If yes, how many hours do you work? Do you know how many hours a full time employee works each year?
Learning Objectives Use problem solving skills to calculate and compare hourly rates and annual income. Project annual income given varied scenarios. Calculate mean and range to compare annual incomes. Conduct research to estimate the annual income for two professions (job titles) in a career field of interest.
Real Life Calculations Annual Income = (2080 hours / year) ($ / hour) Ohio Minimum Wage = $7.85 / hour
Google Searches Example: Ceramic Engineer Search Terms: – Ceramic Engineer, Salary, Education Requirements Result 1: Ceramic EngineerCeramic Engineer – Ceramic Engineering Programs + US Result 2:
Assignment Rubric WeightExcellentSatisfactory Poor Calculations 50% Seven of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Five to six of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Four or fewer of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Content 50%Professions, income, education requirements and the institution identified are accurate (1-2 errors) 3 – 6 errorsGreater than 6 errors
Career Fields (from ODE) Agricultural and environmental systems Arts and communications Business and administrative services Construction technologies Education and training Engineering and science technologies Finance Government and public administration Health science Hospitality and tourism Human services Information technology Law and public safety Manufacturing technologies Marketing Transportation systems