SBAC Overview
SBAC Data Using ATLAS Protocol Step 1- GETTING STARTED 0 The educator providing the student work gives a very brief statement of the assignment. 0 The educator should describe only what the student was asked to do and avoid explaining what he/she hoped or expected to see. 0 NO background information, or opinions
SBAC Data Using ATLAS Protocol Step 2- DESCRIBING 0 What do you see? 0 Describe what you see 0 AVOID judgments about quality or interpretations
SBAC Data Using ATLAS Protocol Step 3- INTERPRETING 0 Find as many different interpretations as possible 0 Your interpretations should be supported by evidence from Step 2. 0 Share your findings, clarify perspectives
SBAC Data Using ATLAS Protocol Step 4- IMPLICATIONS 0 What are the implications of this work for teaching and assessments? 0 What should be our next steps?
Validating the wisdom in the room 0 I have heard of SBAC Claims and Targets but am not very familiar with them. 0 I know about SBAC Claims and Targets. 0 I have experience with WestEd pd and I will adopt, adapt and/ or create from this pd.
Claim #4 Research & Inquiry Claim #4 Research & Inquiry Claim #1 Reading Claim #3 Listening & Speaking Claim #3 Listening & Speaking Constructed Response Performance Task 3 Text Types: Opinion Narrative Informative Claim #2 Writing ELA/Literacy Claims Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Claims “ Claims are broad evidence based statements about what students know and can do as demonstrated by their performance on the assessments ” - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Targets “Targets connect the standards to evidence that is collected from the assessment ” - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Clusters Claim Targets CCSS Standards Targets CCSS Standards
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) DOK 1 Recall & Reproduction DOK 2 Skills & Concepts / Basic Reasoning DOK 3 Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning DOK 4 Extended Thinking
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) MathematicsELA/Literacy DOK3DOK4DOK3DOK4 NCLB Assessments <2%0%20%2% SBAC Assessments 49%21%43%25%
Next Steps… What are the instructional implications for the English Learners?
Using DOK to Increase RIGOR Levels of Questioning Part 1
Rigor does not live in the task, Rigor is the Engagement with the task. ~ Cornelius Minor
DOK It IS… It’s Not… 0 A scale of cognitive demand 0 About complexity 0 Rigor within the grade 0 About the verb 0 About difficulty 0 Grade-level indicator
DOK is the “THINKING ”.
Let’s Take a Test
Metacognition 0 As you take your assessment take note of: 0 The think time needed to answer the questions. 0 The number of steps it took to answer the questions.
What kinds of thinking do I want students to do routinely? Recall Skill/Conc ept Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions allows ALL students to be engaged in the lesson and help them gain a deeper understanding of the content by challenging them to think critically.
HOT or NOT Looking at Questions
Recall Recall of a fact, information, or procedure Skill/Co ncept Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps (beyond recall) etc. Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing plan or sequence of steps, some complexity, more than one possible answer. Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem.
Example of DOK Recall Who helped Cinderella get to the ball? Skill/Co ncept Summarize the major events that led to Cinderella living happily ever after. Strategic Thinking What conclusion can be drawn about Cinderella’s life if she did not make it to the ball, support your prediction with evidence from the text. Extended Thinking How does the events that lead to Cinderella (Cinderella story) meeting the prince, compare to the events that leads to Snow White (Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs) meeting the prince, support your comparison with evidence from the text.
DOK is not a Verb Recall Describe the speed of the car. Skill/Co ncept Describe the rankings of the cars in the race according to their speed. Strategic Thinking Describe the speed of the car, if low friction tires are used. Extended Thinking Describe the limitations in the method for calculating the speed of the car and an alternative solution.
DOK is about what follows the verb... What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself. It is the cognitive demand of the question. The level of thinking required. 27
DOK is not difficulty Recall Solve for x; 4x + 6 = 3 Recall Solve for x; 4x -8x + 2 = Recall Solve for x; 4x -8x + 2 = x Recall Solve for x; 2(4x-8x) +2 = 3+6 – 2x(4)
DOK is about complexity... It is the intended student learning outcome. It is the cognitive demand of the question. The level of thinking required. Difficulty is the number of students that can answer the question correctly. 29
DOK is not a Grade-Level Indicator 5th Analyze the Constitution’s significance as the foundation of the American republic. 8th Analyze the character and lasting consequences of Reconstruction. 11th Analyze America’s participation in World War II. 12th Analyze the influence of the federal government on the American economy.
DOK is engaging all students in higher order thinking... All students PreK – 12 th are capable of strategic and extended thinking. The thinking skills, complexity, and task may differ across grade levels. 31
Increasing the Rigor Recall Skill/Concept Strategic Thinking Extending Thinking 1.Sort the questions by DOK Level 2.Revise your Level 1 & 2 questions to increase the DOK Level.
“There is nothing I can teach that can create mastery…what creates mastery is practice. The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for practice and protect the practice time.” ~ Cornelius Minor
How will you as an instructional leader engage your staff in Understanding and Increasing the Rigor of questions utilizing DOK? Exit Slip
Next Steps 0 Bring an EL Student work sample with the corresponding task for the January meeting.
Amber McKinney-Shivers LAUSD Local District South Science Specialist Maricel Masongsong LAUSD Local District South Secondary Math Coordinator