Roman Legions in Caesar’s Gallic Wars Organization
Divisions - the Legion The largest division of Caesar’s army was the legio, or legion. The name derives from the annual levy of troops (lego, ere) held in the Campus Martius in the early republic. Only Roman citizens could be members of a legion, non-citizens were placed in auxiliary units. The legions were numbered, the ones which served with Caesar were... Some of these legion earned honorific names, such as Legio X Equestris (for fighting from horseback during an engagement) or Legio XIII Gemina Gemina was common, as it meant that the legion was strengthened or joined with another after a loss of men.
Divisions - the organization of a Legion DivisionNumber of MenLeader Legio4800Legatus Legionis Cohors480 *Manipulum160Not Used by Caesar Centuria80Centurio Contubernalum8
Auxiliares - the Auxiliary troops conscript units of non Roman citizenship sometimes comprised 50% of the field army Types: velites, or miles levis armaturae (skirmishers) funditores (slingers, mostly from the Balearic Islands) sagittarii (archers) alarii (allied infantry)
Equites - Cavalry Under Caesar alone - separate from the rest of the army non Italians (mostly), Gauls, Germans, or Spaniards led by the praefecti equitum (Master of the Horse) units ala (regiment) to 400 horse turmae (squadron) - about 40 horse
Alarii or Equites Alarii or Equites the Velites
Officers of the Legion Legatus Legionis (overall commander) choosen by Caesar at first to simply oversee the Senate appointed officers grew into its role Military tribunes elected by the Comitia 6 per legions officers in command selected for political considerations
Centurions enlisted “officers” 1 for each century (6 to a cohort) senior centurion was the primus pilus prior decimus hastatus posterior lowest ranking Pilus PriorPilus Posterior Princeps PriorPrinceps Posterior Hastatus PriorHastatus Posterior
Distinctive “Sideways” Crest of a Centurion
Specialty Corps standards aquila (aquilifer) - one per legion, held by the first cohort signum (signifer) - one per cohort vexillum (vexillifer) - cavalry and auxiliary units the individuals who carry these are dressed in a wolf or leopard skin music buccina (buccinatores) - a bugle tuba (tubicines) - a trumpet cornu (buccinatores) - a horn
More Specialty Units impedimenta - baggage and supply kept by mercatores iumenta (pack animals) Artillery catapultae ballistae scorpio
Staff Units Quaestor - supply officers Contubernales (comites) praetorii - assistants and administrators speculatores - scouts and messengers fabri - engineers praefectus fabrum - chief engineer