A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESShope for today Please click to watch the intro video for this section located at:
hope for today KEY TEXT: 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” SECTION 1 Forgiveness: the Beginning of New Life A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
hope for today CONSIDER: The condition of forgiveness is asking in faith. In Matthew 7:7 Christ says to “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” DISCUSS: What is our first step toward a new life in Jesus? SECTION 1 Forgiveness: the Beginning of New Life A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
hope for today KEY TEXT: Read Romans 5:1-2, SECTION 1 Forgiveness: the Beginning of New Life A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
hope for today CONSIDER: After reading these texts, take a few moments to discuss what “’pardon” really means. Could it possibly mean that having repented of our sins and having accepted the awesome meaning of Calvary we are declared fit and eligible for salvation? DISCUSS: Do we need faith (belief) that Jesus forgives and cleanses us? SECTION 1 Forgiveness: the Beginning of New Life A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
SECTION 2 A New Life: Walking with Jesus- Transformed to His Likeness hope for today KEY TEXT: Romans 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
SECTION 2 A New Life: Walking with Jesus- Transformed to His Likeness hope for today KEY TEXT (continued): John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS FURTHER STUDY: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 1:6
hope for today CONSIDER: When Christ dwells in our hearts an internal change commences, and our lives are molded into His likeness. This process will be fully and finally finished both internally and externally when in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, Christ’s second coming changes us for heaven. DISCUSS: How do we walk with Jesus? How do we become changed? SECTION 2 A New Life: Walking with Jesus- Transformed to His Likeness A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
SECTION 2 A New Life: Walking with Jesus- Transformed to His Likeness hope for today KEY TEXT: James 2:14-22 “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?... faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.... Do you see that faith was working together with his [Abraham’s] works, and by works faith was made perfect?” A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
hope for today CONSIDER: In our daily lives, many Christians struggle to find balance between faith and works. The Scriptures reveal that “by faith Abraham obeyed” when God called him, leaving his homeland and traveling “not knowing where he was going” Hebrews 11:8-10; Genesis 12:4; 13:18. That Abraham had a genuine, living faith in God was demonstrated by his obedience. DISCUSS: How do our faith in Jesus and our works, as directed by His Holy Spirit, influence our walk with Jesus? SECTION 2 A New Life: Walking with Jesus- Transformed to His Likeness A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
SECTION 3 Our Title to Heaven and Our Fitness for Heaven hope for today KEY TEXT: Romans 3:24-28 “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus... ;” 5:1-11 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ... ;” James 2:21-24 “Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac... ?” Hebrews 10:11-14 “For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS
hope for today CONSIDER: Justification is what Jesus has done for us, while sanctification is what Jesus does in us. Both are solely due to Jesus Christ’s grace and righteousness. The first is our title to heaven; the second is our fitness for heaven. DISCUSS: What two words do Paul and James use to explain further our new birth and walk in Jesus? A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS SECTION 3 Our Title to Heaven and Our Fitness for Heaven
INVITATION hope for today The Bible teaches that God chose you; He set you apart to be His own, to be sanctified and transformed into His likeness. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, that through His perfect life and death you can be counted as righteous. This remarkable occurrence happens by Jesus blood, not your merits. He invites you to a close love relationship with Him. Is it your choice to walk closer with Jesus and experience the transforming power of His love? If so yours can be a continuously hopeful life. A Life Changing Hope: FORGIVENESS