Campaign Finance The connection between money and the elections
Pres. election cycle: $880.5 million raised $717.9 million spent Pres. election cycle: $1,748.8 million raised $1,324.7 million spent 008&type=SF Pres. election cycle: $880.5 million raised $717.9 million spent Pres. election cycle: $1,748.8 million raised $1,324.7 million spent 008&type=SF
Presidential Election Cycle ndex.php ndex.php Open Secrets - US research group Tracks money in politics Non-partisan Non-profit Presidential Election Cycle ndex.php ndex.php Open Secrets - US research group Tracks money in politics Non-partisan Non-profit
History of Campaign Finance Regulation Corrupt Practices Acts Hatch Act 1939 FECA 1971 Corrupt Practices Acts Hatch Act 1939 FECA 1971
FECA 1971 – reduce the importance of $ on elections – limit big donations No limit on spending Restricted spending on mass media Restricted spending own money Unconstitutional: Buckley v Valeo 76 Disclosure of all contributions >$100 Income tax return donations to Fed Funds – public financing funds Increased influence of PAC’s: smaller contributions from larger # donors 1970’s – 600 to >2000 PAC’s FECA 1971 – reduce the importance of $ on elections – limit big donations No limit on spending Restricted spending on mass media Restricted spending own money Unconstitutional: Buckley v Valeo 76 Disclosure of all contributions >$100 Income tax return donations to Fed Funds – public financing funds Increased influence of PAC’s: smaller contributions from larger # donors 1970’s – 600 to >2000 PAC’s
Federal Election Commission Public Financing Contribution limits Disclosures Soft Money Federal Election Commission Public Financing Contribution limits Disclosures Soft Money Amendments to FECA
Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act 2002 McCain Feingold Act Regulate Soft Money Contribution limits Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act 2002 McCain Feingold Act Regulate Soft Money Contribution limits
Hard Money v. Soft Money Hard money Express advocacy in federal elections Individuals, PAC’s pol parties, corporations etc. All $ disclosed to FEC Hard money Express advocacy in federal elections Individuals, PAC’s pol parties, corporations etc. All $ disclosed to FEC
Soft Money Not used in federal elections (state/local) NOT used for express advocacy Advertising that educates voters about issues, with a specific candidate endorsement >$2000 disclosed to FEC Used for public issue communications - independent of candidates Soft Money Not used in federal elections (state/local) NOT used for express advocacy Advertising that educates voters about issues, with a specific candidate endorsement >$2000 disclosed to FEC Used for public issue communications - independent of candidates
Political Action Committees - PAC’s Top Twenty PAC’s Top Twenty PAC’s
Difference Between PAC’s & Super PAC’s /13/ stephen-colbert-explains- difference-between-pacs-and-super-pacs /13/ stephen-colbert-explains- difference-between-pacs-and-super-pacs php?cycle= php?cycle=2014 13/timescast-whats-a-super-pac/?_r=0 13/timescast-whats-a-super-pac/?_r=0 /13/ stephen-colbert-explains- difference-between-pacs-and-super-pacs /13/ stephen-colbert-explains- difference-between-pacs-and-super-pacs php?cycle= php?cycle=2014 13/timescast-whats-a-super-pac/?_r=0 13/timescast-whats-a-super-pac/?_r=0
527’s BCFRA LOOPHOLE 2008 / 2012 Issue Advocacy: act of making generalized communication regarding a public issue w/o advocating voters to take a specific action. Express Advocacy: act of making specific communication regarding a public issue advocating voters to take a specific action. regulated by the FEC 527’s BCFRA LOOPHOLE 2008 / 2012 Issue Advocacy: act of making generalized communication regarding a public issue w/o advocating voters to take a specific action. Express Advocacy: act of making specific communication regarding a public issue advocating voters to take a specific action. regulated by the FEC
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission United+v+Federal+Election+Commission +Reactions.aspx United+v+Federal+Election+Commission +Reactions.aspx vs. FEC result - two core rules. First, an organization formed to accept contributions and make independent expenditures must register as a political committee under the same regime as any other PAC.political committee Second, entitled to accept unlimited contributions from individuals. When coupled with Citizens United, suggested that corporations and unions may contribute unlimited amounts to Independent Expenditure only PACs. Spending by PAC’s, corps, or unions helping party/candidate - done independently of them. result - two core rules. First, an organization formed to accept contributions and make independent expenditures must register as a political committee under the same regime as any other PAC.political committee Second, entitled to accept unlimited contributions from individuals. When coupled with Citizens United, suggested that corporations and unions may contribute unlimited amounts to Independent Expenditure only PACs. Spending by PAC’s, corps, or unions helping party/candidate - done independently of them.
Current Limits /brochures/contriblimits. shtml contribution limits for federal elections /brochures/contriblimits. shtml contribution limits for federal elections