Somatoform Disorders Abnormal Psychology
Somatoform Disorders I.Essential Features: Bodily sxs No known physiological/bio cause Sxs not voluntarily controlled
II. DSM-IV Subtypes Pain Disorder ___________________ Body Dysmorphic Disorder Somatization Disorder Physical sxs Pseudoneurological sxs = mimic neurological –e.g., double vision, numbness
Conversion Disorder Sxs suggest neurological damage, but no damage –Paralysis, “hysterical paralysis” –Seizures –Anesthesias = ________________ sensitivity –“hysterical blindness” Don’t always make anatomical sense
Pain insensitivity in one side of face BUT pain sensation nerves do not split the face w Conversion Disorder
III. Related DFNs Primary gain = sx protects the mind Secondary gain = sx gains external rewards –e.g., avoid work, gain attention, $ benefits La belle indifference = (beautiful indifference) ________________ about sxs Alexithymia = inability to recognize & express emotions
IV. Treatment Behavioral- for body dysmorphic & pain disorders –Operant: reward successful coping, punish sick role –Cognitive behavioral: cognitive restructuring for cog & emot issues Pts often refuse psych referrals, want medical tx