Team Members Advisors Dr. Bawab Prof. Luetke Team Leader Ryan Atkinson Element Analysis Davis Moore Punit Dave Attenuator Shauna Richards Carbon Fiber A-arms Dan Gregor Aaron Vandegraff
Overview Schedule Budget Progress Future Work Conclusion
Schedule Gantt Chart goes here
Budget Frame Analysis $200 for raw materials A-Arms $200 for Carbon Fiber $100 raw materials Attenuator Option 1: $5000 labor and raw materials Option 2: $800 -$1200 raw materials Option 3: $150 raw materials Option 4: $80 raw materials
Progress: Frame Finished soft analysis Performed 7 different tests on frame Used SolidWorks Simulation Currently doing QA Testing to make sure that design in SolidWorks is the same as what is being built
Frame continued
Attenuator Option 1: 3D Print No Manual Labor High Precision Very Expensive Option 2: Prefabricated Honeycomb Sheets Minimal Labor Predetermined Specs Moderately Expensive Option 3: Corrugated Aluminum Panel Labor Intensive Predetermined Specs Highly Inexpensive Option 4: Independent Design Labor Intensive Unproven Design Highly Inexpensive
Carbon Fiber A-arms A first for ODU Stronger, Lighter, Stiffer Hard to work with No plastic deformation Soft Analysis, SolidWorks Hard Analysis Tensile Buckling Lateral Bending
Future Work Frame Analysis Will start hard analysis after Fall Break Carbon Fiber A-Arms Budget approval Purchasing Carbon Fiber Tubing Soft Analysis of new gusset assembly Attenuator Design approved September 24 Production will be finalized by October 19