ME 201 Engineering Mechanics: Statics Chapter 3 – Part b - continued 3.1 Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle 3.2 The Free-Body Diagram 3.3 Co-Planar Force Systems
Key Concepts Problem Solving Methodologies
Steps to Problem Solving 1.Draw a Free Body Diagram (FBD), label known and unknowns Simple sketch of isolated particle Sketch all forces that act on the particle Active forces Reactive forces Label known forces with proper magnitude & direction Watch signs – negative means opposite sense from as drawn in FBD 2.Apply equations of equilibrium Any suitable direction 2 equations, 2 unknowns (n equations, n unknowns)
Solving Spring Problems Typically 3 components (in addition to FBD): Equations of Equilibrium Spring Equation Geometry
Free Body Diagram In Class Exercise Determine the stretch in each spring for equilibrium of the 2 kg block. The springs are shown in the equilibrium position.
Solving Multiple Freebody Diagram Problems Sketch possible FBDs Select FBD with fewer unknowns to begin Transfer results from first FBD to second FBD
Free Body Diagram In Class Exercise Determine the force in each cable and the force F needed to hold the 4 kg lamp in the position shown.