Hardware and Software CPU-Central processing unit Performs most of the calculations which enable a computer to function Sometimes referred to as the brain of the computer
Hardware and Software RAM-Random access memory A form of computer data storage Stores all running processes and the current running operating system More random access memory results in faster retrieval of data
Hard drive Stores digital information in relatively permanent form Typically the C: drive on your computer On a Mac, can be found in the Finder under MacHD All the information that’s stored on your computer
Hard drive CD Drive Typically the D: drive on the computer
Internal Buses Internal buses Connect the CPU to various internal components and to expansion cards for graphics and sound
External Buses Support ports for external peripherals USB Firewire
Removable Drives CD CD-ROM Drive CD Drive DVD DVD-ROM Drive DVD Writer Blue-ray Disc Floppy disk
Removable Drives Iomega Zip drive USB flash drive External hard drive
Software Collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do Microsoft Office Word PowerPoint Excel The Sims Internet Explorer