10/13A – Day BOP: Take out Cell Energy Notes HMWK: 1.Cell Energy Puzzle 2.Frost Valley Raffle Sales! OBJECTIVE Examine the ways cells obtain energy: fermentation and respiration
10/14B – Day BOP: Turn in Cell Energy Puzzle HMWK: 1.Frost Valley Raffle Sales! OBJECTIVE Observe cells in the human body performing processes to maintain homeostasis
10/15A – Day BOP: Set-up for lab HMWK: 1.Cell Processes Quiz – 10/20 2.Frost Valley Raffle Sales – PTO Friday OBJECTIVE Observe live yeast cultures – representing organisms that perform fermentation
10/16B – Day BOP: Take out Fermentation Lab HMWK: 1.Evidence of Review 2.Cell Processes Quiz – 10/20 OBJECTIVE Observe live yeast cultures – representing organisms that perform fermentation