Neutrino Model of Dark Energy Yong-Yeon Keum Academia Sinica/Taiwan Mujuresort, Feb./16-19/2005
Contents Experimental evidence of accelerating universe Candidates of Dark Energy Neutrino Model of Dark Energy Lesson from FKNW model (An example of interacting dark matter and dark energy model)
Experimental Observations(1)
Experimental Observation(2) Our universe is flat, accelerating. The dominance of a dark energy component with negative pressure in the present era is responsible for the universe’s accelerated expansion.
Accelerating Universe Cosmological Constant Problem: Why is the energy of the vacuum so much small ? Dark Energy Puzzle: What is the nature of the smoothly-distributed, persistent e nergy density which appears to determine the universe. Coincidence Scandal: Why is the dark energy density approximately equal to the matter d ensity today
Candidates of Dark Energy Cosmological Constant (consntant) Dynamical Cosmological Constant (Time-dependent; Quintessence field) Modified Gravity (Modified Friedmann Eq.)
(A) Cosmological Constant Typical scale : Hence a new energy density scale is too low from the particle physics point of view.
Cosmological constant problem Many different contributions to vacuum energies: (a) QCD ~ Digression to particle physics and the vacuum energy problem (b) EW physics ~ (c) GUT ~ (d) SUSY ~ All these contributions should conspire to cancel down to. Extreme fine tuning !!!
( B ) Quintessence Quintessence = dark energy as a scalar field = dynamical cosmological constant No evidence for evolving smooth energy, but attractive reasons for dynamical origins ! (a) why small, why not zero, why now ??? (b) suggest the physical cosmological evolution. Canonical quintessence:
Quintessence (2) If potential energy dominates over the kinetic energy This type of potential is not so easy to stabilize w.r.t. quantum loop corrections.
( C ) Modified Gravity Newtonian Cosmology: Gravitational Force law determines the evolution Combining the above eqs: Moreover, E = constant and decelleration !!
Modified Force For simplicity g=1 (1) Early times t << tc so that matter domination, no acceleration (2) Later time, t > tc when Accelerated expansion !!!
Neutrino Model of Dark Energy Cosmological constant: What physics is associated with this small energy scale ?? It is clearly a challenge to understand dynamically how the small energy scale associated with dark-energy(DE) density aries and how it is connected to particle physics.
Interacting dark energy model
FNW scenario Fardon, Nelson and Weiner suggested that tracks the energy density in neutrinos The energy density in the dark sector has two-components: The neutrinos and the dark-energy are coupled because it is assumed that dark energy density is a function of the mass of the neutrinos:
Since in the present epoch, neutrinos are non-relativistic (NR), Assuming dark-energy density is stationary w.r.t. variations in the neutrino mass, Defining