Employment PC Task Play the Slide Show Complete all the following tasks in your jotter. Do not print out any of the articles. To find the information click on the hyperlinks.
Take the Heading Employment PC Task and then record the answers to Qs 1-15 in your jotter. 1)What is the name of the government department which deals with employment?
2)What services are offered in the Jobcentre Plus site? Visit all three parts. 3)What are the minimum wages rates? Including the three different age categories.
4)List all the New Deal schemes. 5)Outline the details of one of the New Deal schemes.
6)What evidence is there that women still face problems in the workplace?
7)What evidence is there that older workers face employment problems? 8)Why do some companies prefer to employ older workers?
9)What evidence is there that racism is a problem in employment? 10)List some of the people who could help if a person of Ethnic origin was being treated unfairly at work?
11)Outline in detail the current employment / unemployment situation in the UK.
12)What is one of the things which the government thinks will help young people get jobs?
13)What evidence is there that disabled people face employment problems? 14)What kind of things can be done to help disabled people into work?
15)What are the problems linked to losing your job?
16) Complete a job search for a job you are interested in.