Thinking for a Change Thinking for a Change is focused on developing social and cognitive skills of probationers in an attempt to lower recidivism rates. These people are set to re- enter society upon entering the program as a final process of their probation period. By: Jordan LeClair 12/8/15
Community Need This Chart focuses on the average recidivism rates within the years in Onondaga County who were on probation. Shown in the chart are the rates for those arrested after 1 year, 2 years and 3 years of being on probation.
Community Need Chart Data rearrests.pdf rearrests.pdf
Logical Approach
Logical Approach Literature Review The Positive effects of cognitive behavioral programs for offenders. – Experimental studies conducted that led to positive developments in the effect of cognitive and social behavior techniques used as treatment methods to reduce recidivism. (Landenberger and Lipsey) The Effect of Prison Systems on Recidivism. – Discusses alternative solutions to resolve the growing recidivism rates. Finds that prison is not the best option to deter criminals and calls for a need or development of a better deterrence solution. (Gendreau and Goggin) How Effective? – A review of the effectiveness of “Reasoning and Rehabilitation” program, in an attempt to reduce recidivism within different countries. (Farrington and Tong)
Works Cited Farrington and Tong: How effective is the ‘‘Reasoning and Rehabilitation’’ programme in reducing reoffending? A meta-analysis of evaluations in four countries. Cambridge University, Institute of Criminology, Psychology, Crime and Law, January 2006, Vol 12, pgs Gendreau, The Effects of Prison Sentences on Recidivism. Centre of Criminal Justice Studies, University of New Brunswick, Landenberger and Lipsey: The positive effects of cognitive–behavioral programs for offenders: A meta-analysis of factors associated with effective treatment. Journal of Experimental Criminology, December 2005, Vol 1 Issue 4, Pages
Evaluation Plan Evaluation Question: Does development of cognitive and social thinking skills help reduce the rate of recidivism for those on probation? Evaluation Design: XOX (Pre vs. Post) Evaluation Test: Crosstab with Chi Square with a Binary logistic regression.
Data Analysis Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary variable) * Pre (0) vs. Post (1) Cross tabulation Pre (0) vs. Post (1) Total 01 Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary variable) 0Count % within Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary variable) 48.7%51.3% % 1Count % within Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary variable) 45.8%54.2% % TotalCount % within Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary variable) 47.3%52.7% % Based on the results shown here, there is a higher percentage of reported developed skills after completion of the program. What does it say about the significance?
Data Analysis Variables in the Equation BS.E.WalddfSig.Exp(B) Step 1 a Pre0vsPost SpeakEnglishatHome HighSchoolGraduate Constant Chi-Square Tests Valuedf Asymptotic Significance (2- sided) Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided) Pearson Chi-Square.612 a Continuity Correction b Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 749 The Chi-Square test proves that this program is not significant based on the.434 level of significance. Classification Table a Observed Predicted Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary varaible) Percentage Correct 01 Step 1 Better Developed Social and cognitive skills (binary varaible) Overall Percentage 53.9 Based on the regression, it shows that language has no significance, however being a high school graduate is significant to the program.