Using the stop-change paradigm to retrain automatic behaviour at amber traffic light
Introduction How many of you have ‘jumped’ amber traffic lights? 85% of motorists admit to occasionally jumping amber lights (THRIFTY, 2011). Dangerous and illegal. Can psychology change people’s driving behaviour?
Past research Cues and actions become automatically linked (Stacy & Wiers, 2010). Research has used response inhibition training to change meaning of a cue. Retraining implicit associations can reduce unhealthy food consumption (Veling, Aarts, & Stroebe, 2013). Lead to long-term changes.
Hypothesis It is hypothesised that participants receiving cue- specific inhibition training will be more likely to stop at amber lights post-training than those who do not receive cue-specific inhibition training.
Method: Design 42 participants (31 female; mean age: 22.24; SD= 5.09) were recruited using opportunity sampling. The study used a 2 x2 design, with two levels. Group (experiment vs. control condition; between) vs. Time (pre- and post-training performance; within). Driving GameTrainingDriving Game
Inhibition task Control groupExperimental group Green Trials 70% of trials Response is key-press: Red Trials 15% of trials Response is key-press: Stop- Change Trials 15% of trials Initially… Then, Response is key-press: * Random allocation to delay of 50ms, 150ms, 300ms
Driving game: Stop Light Task 30 junctions per round 8
Results p =.004
Discussion Results supported the hypothesis. Inhibition training did modify behaviour. Interesting addition to research. Training could be applied to a variety of different settings.
Discussion: Limitations However, the novel status of the study raises issues The control condition still received inhibition training (so they worked their inhibition muscle). Use of students limited our pool of driving experience. Results will need to be replicated. Unsure how long the effect lasts.
Conclusion The study looked at retraining people to stop at amber lights. The inhibition training had a significant effect on behaviour, with those receiving cue-specific training stopping more often at amber lights post-training than controls. Practical applications of research are huge. The novel status of the research although adding to its appeal means we should be careful when considering the results.