US History & Government Review Class Mr. Violanti Iroquois High School June 11 th, 2013
The Origins of Our Government: Declaration of Independence Articles of Confederation Bill of Rights Democracy, fear of Strong Central Gov.
Adapability and Change Amendment process Elastic Clause Unwritten Constitution Structural Characteristics Federalism Delegated (National), Reserved (States), Elastic Clause DR Concurrent Powers
Federalism: Split between Federal and State Power. Checks and Balances One branch of Government cannot gain more than any other. L, E, J. Law making, judicial appointments Judicial Review Supreme Court, Marbury v. Madison Executive Domination New Deal E J L F S
Bill of Rights: Demanded by the Anti-Federalists Equal Protection of Laws 1 st Amendment Supreme Court Interpretations Schenck v. US, Brown v. Board of Education, Miranda v. Arizona, Korematsu v. US
Minority Protection 13 th, 14 th, 15 th amendments (Civil War) Jim Crow Laws Civil Rights act of 1964, 1968 Expansion Voting Rights Slaves, Women, 18 year olds. (15, 19, 26)
Progressive Era Gilded Age Muckrackers: Sinclair, Thomas Nast, Riis. Addams T.R. Anti-Trust, Square Deal Suffragists Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments 19 th Amendment ERA
New Deal FDR, Great Depression CCC, WPA, FDIC, TVA Court Packing Plan Great Society LBJ War on Poverty, 1960s Aid to Education Civil Rights act of 1964, 1968
Washington’s Proclamation: Neutrality, entangling alliances. Imperial Expansion Monroe Doctrine Internationalism Imperialism Asia, Latin America, Hawaii, “Big Stick” Open Door Policy (John Hay) Trade, Increase and Protect 14 Points, rejected by Senate
World Leaders, Superpower Cold War, Containment of Communism Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, War Powers Act Vietnam Domino Theory War Powers Act Popular Opinion at Home
1. NATIONAL POWER: amount of power the Fed. Gov. exercises. -Slavery, compromises, Great Depression 2. FEDERALISM: National/State -Interstate Commerce, school desegregation 3. THE JUDICIARY: Supreme Court -Marbury v. Madison, Dred Scott 4. CIVIL LIBERTIES: Basic liberties, Bill of Rights -Clear and Present Danger, Schenck v. US, Korematsu
5. Rights of the Accused: rights in arrest and trial -McCarthyism, Miranda Rights 6. Equality: Equal Protection of laws -Civil Rights Movement, 1960s -MLK, Malcom X, Booker Washington, DuBois, Chavez, AIM 7. Rights of Women: Legal status of women -Suffrage Movement, 19 th amendment -Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton 8. Rights of Ethnic Groups: Minorities struggle with inequality. -Nativism, Immigration
9. Pres. Power in Wartime: Executive power grows. -Wilson: WWI, FDR: WWII, Lincoln: Civil War 10. Separation of Powers: Three equal branches -Reconstruction, Court Packing 11. Avenues of Respect: Expansion of Government. 15 th, 17 th, 19 th, 23 rd, 24 th, 26 th amendments. -Election of Senators, Women, Rights of Blacks, Women, youth. 12. Property Rights: Public vs. Private Wealth -Antitrust Laws, Hamilton’s plan, Reform
13. Constitutional Change and Flexibility: Government to deal with situations. -Elastic Clause, Unwritten Const., Judicial Review.
CORPORATE POWER: -Corporations -Trusts -Robber Barons/ Captain of Industry -Laissez Faire -Sherman Anti-Trust Act -Interstate Commerce Act
IMMIGRATION AND URBANIZATION: -Assimilation vs. Pluralism -N/W (old) vs. S/E (new) Immigration -Nativism -Chinese Exclusion Act -Transcontinental RR ORGANIZED LABOR: -Knights of Labor (unskilled) -American Federation of Labor (skilled) -Strikes -Socialism, Red Scare
Hamilton’s Plan: Strict vs. Loose Construction *Repay debt, impose tax, create bank. Protective Tariffs Government and Agriculture: Grange Laws, Interstate Commerce, Populism, AAA
Great Depression: Market Economy, New Deal, 3 R’s, Trickle Down Theory. Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances. Government Involvement in Economy. POST WWII: Decline in Economy, Balanced Budget, Trade Deficit, Reaganomics.