LORO (Language Open Resources Online): a languages repository for DoL Tita Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn, Annie Eardley, Christine Pleines and Hélène Pulker DoL Teaching Forum - 23 June 2009
Aim of the project To create an online repository, based on the Language Box created by the Faroes team in Southampton, that will allow course teams, tutors and staff tutors in DoL easy access to tutorial materials for all languages and levels. Short term goals vs. long term possibilities
A languages repository… …to allow: -Central teams to distribute materials to ALs easily. -ALs to access materials for all languages and all levels. -ALs to store their own materials (and share them with others if they so wish). -Staff tutors to access materials for staff development purposes. -All users to share resources with the Language Box, a languages community repository (
The project April 2009 to June 2010 (deadlines: October 2009 and January 2010) Collaborating with Southampton for the technical development Budget of £29,069, with a substantial part set aside for AL involvement Dissemination activities is one of the deliverables
What we have been doing (I) Creating our project website, logo, liaising with JISC, etc.project website Surveying tutors on their current practices (ICT expertise, knowledge of repositories, attitudes towards sharing,…). Researcher appointed to conduct focus groups & produce report. Surveying Course Teams and Staff Tutors on current practices. Working out our needs (metadata, functionality) & drafting a spec for the customised LORO repository. Working out timetable for testing and populating the repository (AL involvement as Uploaders/Testers).
What we have been doing (II) Contacting Elluminate training team to incorporate LORO awareness and training into their programme in the autumn. Informing stakeholders at different events (Elluminate training session, Staff Tutors meeting, Regional staff development events, Demo July 1 st, JISC programme meeting). Working out rights issues (copyright, intellectual property rights, rights when ALs cease to be employed by the OU). Working out relationship with Language Box, the community languages repository (now linked to the subject centre).
What we still need to do Integrate LORO into the internal OU system (OU server, Intranet, SAMS protected) Ensure LORO is ready for delivery of Elluminate materials to beginners’ courses in October/November. Produce suitable training and reference materials for users. Use feedback from November and February courses to review and refine LORO. Ensure sustainability after the project & adequate handover from Southampton. Engage with further dissemination activities within the Faculty and beyond.
Let’s have a look… …at LORO ( but remember this is work in progress!
Any questions? Contact or Anna Comas-Quinn LORO Project Manager