Meeting of AcademyHealth Members Joseph Antos, Ph.D., Chair Coalition for Health Services Research June 8, 2008
Coalition for Health Services Research Advocacy arm of AcademyHealth Work to increase federal investment in health services research and health data Take action to shape policies that address the challenges faced by the field
HSR Funding (in millions) AgencyFY 2008Bush FY09 Request Coalition Target Projected Need AHRQ$334.6$325.6$360$500 NCHS$113.6$124.7$125$175 CDC’s Public Health Research $31 $33$50 CMS$31 $45$80 HRSA’s Rural Health Research $8.6$8.7$10$25 NIH*$965 $1,000$1,500 VHA*$73$68$85$90 *estimated based on proportion of overall funding in previous years.
Funding Outlook for FY 2009 Election year politics will likely lead to “continuing resolution” (CR) FY 2008 levels through at least March 2009 Even with new administration, budget challenges will persist
What is a “CR?” A stopgap funding measure used to sustain government operations if budget is not enacted by Sept. 30 Generally holds funding “flat” at current fiscal levels Puts agencies in budgetary holding pattern If “CR” lasts a full fiscal year, agencies lose purchasing power
What Does a CR Mean for You? Depends on the agency, FY 2008 funding levels, and CR duration For example, at AHRQ: A year long CR could actually mean more funding for grants A CR through March 2009 would hold activities at FY 2008 levels; AHRQ would not start any new programs
Policy Priorities Access to Information Investigator Initiated Research Next Generation of Researchers Comparative Effectiveness Research Coordination of Health Services Research
Investigator Initiated Research Report language would direct AHRQ to invest in investigator innovation and training grants Report language is guidance, not law Corresponding spending bill unlikely to be enacted before March 2009
Comparative Effectiveness Research Legislation passed House August 2007 Senate drafting legislation to expand capacity to conduct this work Unlikely Senate legislation will be introduced in 110 th Congress
What Can You Do? Even though outlook is bleak, important to be present in the minds of policymakers Urge congressional appropriators to support increased funding for HSR Submit an Op Ed to your local paper about the value of HSR, data access, comparative effectiveness research Visit to get started!
What Can You Do? Register for Grassroots U. New web-based advocacy trainings for AcademyHealth members to help Coalition advance HSR and promote their own work Video recording of first webconference is available under “Events” at Look for second webconference later this summer
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