1 Manufacturer’s Outreach Workshop, Thingaha Hotel, Naypyitaw Myanmar. October
National Electrification Plan (NEP) Objective : To fully electrify all regions of Myanmar by 2030 Plan arrangement : UN's Sustainable Energy for ALL (SE4ALL) : To fully electrify all regions of Myanmar by 2030 Leading body of drafting : World Bank Group Period of drafting : May 2013 to September 2014
Objectives of National Electrification Plan (NEP) Manage to achieve the required sufficient fund for the plan to ensure access to electricity in the whole country. The committee, serving as “single window”, to coordinate with international development partners; local and international private sectors, including state’s budget, for the investment fund of the plan. Manage to adopt the least-cost approach in undertaking the project activities under National electrification plan. Manage and supervise the implementation of the project to be considered beneficial to the people. To set up clear directions and framework for private investors participation. In an effort to provide electricity in off-grid areas, to handle with setting the rate of power tariffs based on the amount of reasonable expenditure and returns.
Numbers of household that will be able to access to the electricity: 7.2. Methods (1) Connect with National Grid (2) Connect with Mini Grid (3) Powered by solar, mini hydro, wind, diesel and hybrid (diesel + solar etc.) as pre-electrification. Electrify by National Grid 99% of the households that is 50 km range from National Grid under this plan Mini Grid,Solar Home System and others 1 % is from mini grid, solar and others. Planned to electrify 100% of the country by 2030 Power availability under National Electrification Plan (NEP)
To be Electrified from National Grid Transmission Lines HV Transmission Line (Existing) HV Transmission Line (Planned) Electrification Area within 25 km Electrification Area within 50 km 5 State/Region Estimated Population (2011) Existing and Future Transmission Expension Plan within 25 kmwithin 50 km Kachin1,257,25792%96% Chin5,985,38992%96% Kayar262,623100% Kayin1,588,06784%94% Mon2,675,18797%100% Tanintharyi1,220,31995%100% Yangon6,614,05197%100% Ayeyarwadd y5,525,27284%98% Bago5,962,20296%100% Rakhine4,296,50790%99% Chin513,81855%89% Sagaing5,827,40887%98% Magway5,196,99888%100% Mandalay6,744,79697%100% NayPyiTaw648,236100% Total54,318,13092%99%
Yearly Expansion of Electricity form to Fiscal Year 47% 31% 76% 100% To fully electrified the whole country total 517,000 household should be yearly connected after 2020 September 6
First Priority -Populated Area which will very close to the Power system Grid Second Priority -Moderate Populated Area which can be connected from the Power System Grid Last Priority -Remote Area which will be very difficult for transportation Priority Stage for Electrification from the Power system Grid 7
First Priority -Populated Area which will very close to the Power system Grid Second Priority -Moderate Populated Area which can be connected from the Power System Grid Last Priority -Remote Area which will be very difficult for transportation Priority Stage for Electrification from the Power system Grid 8
Proposal for Usage of World Bank Loan USD 310 million 9
10 Draft Procurement Plan for 11 kV network materials SrType of Materials Procurement Methods Comment Lot Expected Contract dated 1TransformerICB10 LotMar Concrete PoleICB13 LotApr ACSR ConductorICB11 LotMay kV InsulatorICB7 LotMay LA,D/S,Fuse and Accessories ICB3 LotMay Office EquipmentShopping2 packageJan VehiclesNCB1Jan-2016 NCB –National Competitive Bidding ICB –International Competitive Bidding
LOTQuantityDelivery Site Bago West-District, PMO Office Kachin,Chin,Sagaing District, PMO Office Shan(N) -District, PMO Office Kayar, Shan(E),Shan(S) District, PMO Office Magway,Rakhine District, PMO Office Bago(E),NayPyiTaw District, PMO Office Kayin,Mon,Tanintharyi District, PMO Office Ayeyarwaddy-District, PMO Office Yangon Mandalay Total 5,671 Transformer Package
Lot NoNo. of MaterialsDelivery Site Kachin -District, PMO Office Kayin-District, PMO Office Mon,Tanintharyi-District, PMO Office Kayar, Shan(E),Shan(S) District, PMO Office Chin,Sagaing-District, PMO Office Shan(N)-District, PMO Office Magway,Rakhine-District, PMO Office Bago(E)-District, PMO Office Bago(W)-District, PMO Office Ayeyarwaddy-District, PMO Office NayPyiTaw- ESE Store Yangon Mandalay Total 251,834 Defining contract package to Bid the Concrete Pole
Lot NoTonsDelivery Site Kayar,Shan(E),Shan(S) -District, PMO Office Kachin,Chin,Sagaing -District, PMO Office Shan(N)-District, PMO Office Magway,Rakhine-District, PMO Office Bago(E)-District, PMO Office Bago(W)-District, PMO Office Ayeyarwaddy-District, PMO Office Kayin,Mon,Tanintharyi -District, PMO Office NayPyiTaw- ESE Store Yangon Mandalay Total 5593 Defining contract Package to Bid the ACSR Conductor
Lot NoDelivery Site 1. Kachin,Chin,Sagaing, -District, PMO Office 2. Magway,Rakhine -District, PMO Office 3. Bago(W),Ayeyarwaddy -District, PMO Office 4. Kayar,Kayin,Mon,Shan(E),Shan(N), Shan(S)-,Bago(E),Tantharyi District, PMO Office 5.NayPyiTaw- ESE Store 6.Yangon 7.Mandalay Total7 Lots Defining Contract Package to Bid the 11 kV Insulator
No. of LotDelivery Site 1 NayPyiTaw- ESE Store 1 Yangon 1 Mandalay Totals 3 Lots Defining Contract Package to Bid the LA,D/S, Fuse and Accessories
16 Thank you for your kind attention