The Beginning Fundraising: The Basics
The Tools We Need 0 We cannot—no matter how much we want—spin straw into gold or plant money trees 0 We have to think long-term all the time 0 How can each person in the organization help with fundraising? 0 What skills do development people need? 0 What equipment and technology are available?
Fundraising Roles 0 ED DD 0 Board of Directors 0 Raise money, make donations, lead 0 Advisory Council 0 Other staff 0 Volunteers 0 Motives, Training, Convenience, Fun, Appreciate 0 Outside contributors
Points to Consider and Discuss 0 P. 22—Go light on disaster shots 0 Are you prepared to pitch your nonprofit in the space of an elevator ride? 0 You need canned responses!!
Skills and Technology 0 People give to people, not causes 0 Office space and equipment 0 Computers, Databases, 0 Credit card donors give more! 0 Why?
The Fundraising Plan 0 Welcome to the key points for the first half of our semester 0 Goal to work toward 0 Evaluate fundraising assets 0 Strategy to reach sources 0 Write down the strategy
Set the Goal 0 Cannot simply be a slight increase from last year 0 Create a budget 0 Salaries and overhead are really only predictability 0 Cost analysis example (p.61) 0 Safe on projections 0 Is it a good idea to lowball? 0 Be aware of circumstances 0 Do NOT let your organization get taken advantage of 0 People think more highly of what they’ve paid for 0 Noncash contributions
Funding Assets 0 What do we have going for us? 0 What are our weaknesses? 0 List assets and what it could support 0 BE WARY OF SPECIAL EVENTS!
Now for the Strategy 0 Calculate what you need/want to raise 0 Subtract what you know you are getting already 0 Must be close to your identity 0 Donors like consistency! 0 Diversify
Drafting the Plan 0 You cannot do this alone and be successful 0 Why not? 0 Activity—Amount—New Expenses—TOTAL 0 Plan for : “What ifs?”
Final Plan Components 0 Duration of time 0 Narrative description of goals 0 Month-by-month calendar 0 Breakdown of responsibilities 0 How will you measure success 0 Backup plans