Mrs. Landon
Homework will be written down for the week on Mondays. It will also be posted to the blog weekly. If there are any changes, students will write changes in agenda and I will update the blog accordingly. Students will receive one homework grade per subject each week. It is important that your child is doing their homework each night.
TIMEMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 9:15-9:45Writing 9:45-11:15Guided Reading 11:15-11:35RECESS 11:35-12:15 RESOURCE (Computer) RESOURCE (Library) RESOURCE (Music) RESOURCE (P.E) RESOURCE (Art) 12:15-12:40 Social Studies 12:40-1:05LUNCH (Table 7) 1:05-1:15Transition 1:15-2:45 Guided Reading (John’s HR) Guided Reading (John’s HR) 2:45-3:20 Social Studies (John’s HR) Social Studies (John’s HR) Social Studies (John’s HR) Social Studies (John’s HR) Social Studies (John’s HR) 3:20-3:30Transition/Pack-up
Here you will find daily homework assignments as well as links to other important pages. Important dates to remember will also be posted.
CategoryMinimum # of Grades Percentages Tests330% Quizzes430% Classwork835% Homework55% *This is for each subject
Grading Scale: A A B B86-83 B C C76-73 C D D66-63 D F<60
1) 80% Mastery of Reading and Math benchmarks OR 2) 400 or higher on state SOL tests AND 3) Report card grades support promotion **More than 10 unexcused absences may also effect promotion**
Fifth grade will administer the following SOL Test March: Writing May: Reading, Social Studies, Math, and Science Students must obtain a score of 400 or higher to pass the SOL Test.
If a student is missing an assignment, they will have the opportunity to make up the assignments missed. Points will be deducted for late work. Students have 5 days from the day they are absent to complete make up work.
Grade Speed is a wonderful tool for parents to keep up with their child’s grades. You can view your child’s grade from any computer (home/work). You can also set it to receive texts and s if your child’s grade drops below a certain letter. To sign up, see Mrs. Williams in the office. You will need a driver’s license/ID.
To schedule a conference, please send a note by your child or call the school and leave a message with the secretary. If a parent comes to the classroom for a conference during the day without an appointment and without reporting to the office for a Visitor’s Pass, he/she will be asked to report to the office for a pass.
Students will be engaged in learning through literacy stations. Teacher will work with students in groups to enhance reading skills. Readers are leaders. I expect each student to excel in Reading. Students will be reading in class a lot. They also need to spend at least 20 minutes reading at home each night.
Writing grades come from teacher-made assessments and are on sentence structure and parts of speech. Students grades also come from two formal writings done each 9 weeks and other writing assignments.
Students will be engaged in learning through math centers and hands on activities Teacher will conduct a whole group lesson to introduce a skill and then work with small groups for extra practice and reinforcement as needed We will be using a new math assessment to replace the STAR test this year. More details coming soon! Stay tuned!
Students need to review their binder daily (including at least 15 minutes on weekends) Test/quizzes strictly come from students notes in interactive binder. The newly adapted Social Studies textbook is available online at How to access textbook online is forthcoming.
Students need to review binder daily (including at least 15 minutes on weekends) Test/quizzes strictly come from students notes in interactive binder. Science is a very hands-on subject. Projects, experiments, and demonstrations will be incorporated throughout the year.
In this room we don’t do EASY we make easy happen through HARD WORK and learning