Stay on task and write legibly Spy Talk and stay in your seat Raise your stick to get help (work on something else until a teacher can come by) Read the directions Absolutely no printing until you are approved to do so from a teacher
MondayShutters - Research TuesdayResearch Begin PowerPoint WednesdayResearch – due Wednesday (test grade for Mrs. Reed) PowerPoint ThursdayFinish PowerPoint FridayPrint PowerPoint
Open MS Word and type the following information in your header: Your name Period 6 Bibliography
Research country and document findings on worksheet - Due Tuesday at the end of the period World and I Kids login information mcanally bearcats
PowerPoint demo and expectations Finish Research (due Wednesday) Begin PowerPoint
PowerPoint creation When you are ready to print – follow directions on page 4
Login Double click Computer Find your U: drive Wait for further instructions
1. PowerPoint Turn to page 4 – complete 1-4, then have mrs reed check 2. Complete shutters pages (from computer class) Page 5-9 of packet – you may print when ready 3. Complete bibliography Make sure you have a heading 4. Go across hall to assemble project 5. Turn in projects to round table with grading rubrics