Objectives Organizing Data – Groups (20 min) IA Format (10 min) Sample IAs- Groups (20 min) Time to Write (25 min) Article - Culture
IA Calendar and Process MonTueWedThuFri 1415 Mock Observation 1617 Mock Write Up in class Mock DUE 2223 Proposal Paragraph FINAL DUE Peer Edit 67 FINAL DUE 89
Organizing Data Now that your observation is over, the next step is to figure out what the heck you saw!! What is the purpose of organizing your data? How does that relate to anthropology/ethnography? HOW to organize: Look for patterns Determine a FOCUS Decide what to include and what to take out
Your Task: In groups of 3-4, share your basic observations with your classmates Talk about possible groups you saw Give each other feedback and help organize data
Write-Up Format Now that you have your categories, what is the format of the write up? 700 words or less (about 2 pages double spaced) 1. Describe “place”, 2. Overall observations, and then describe your focus, name the groups 3. First group description 4. Second group description 5. More than two?? 6. Conclusion
Sample IAs Look at these three sample IAs in groups of 3 See if you can identify the five parts Remember the markband: ORGANIZED and DETAILED
How many marks would they get?
Time to Write Now it’s time for you to come up with your observation write up Remember: 700 words or less Follow the format DUE MONDAY… TYPED
Ethical Guidelines for Internal Assessment Do no harm to the people who participate in the fieldwork. Respect the well-being of humans and the environment. Obtain informed consent from the people who are the subjects of the fieldwork in a form appropriate to the context before you begin, providing sufficient information about the aims and procedures of the fieldwork. Fieldwork involving children needs the written consent of parent(s) or guardian(s). Maintain the anonymity of the people participating in the fieldwork, unless participants have given explicit permission to the contrary. Store all data collected securely in order to maintain confidentiality. Be honest about the limits of your training. Do not falsify or make up fieldwork data. Report on research findings accurately and completely. Do not use data for any purpose other than the fieldwork for which it was collected. Develop and maintain a working relationship with the people that you study so that other researchers can continue to work with them. Check with your teacher when the right way to behave is not clear. Participate in reviews of the ethical considerations in the fieldwork proposals of your peers.
Think about it Think of potential sites you could do your observation What would make a good place? What would not be a good choice? Should you observe a culture you are a part of?