Query Health Technical WG 5/10/2012
Agenda TopicTime Slot Administrative stuff and reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm RI and Spec Updates2:05 – 2:10 pm HQMF Consensus Action Plan2:10 – 2:20 pm HQMF Translators for Intermediate Model2:20 – 2:45 pm QRDA IG2:45 – 3:00 pm
Administrative Reminders None
Specification Updates Query Envelope Consensus APPROVED !!! Two Minor changes Removed the Data Source Type as it was causing more confusion than helping workflows. Added a operational section which has a timestamp to indicate the approximate data snapshot time to satisfy the operational audit requirement HQMF Round 1 of consensus voting complete Lots of good feedback (More on this to follow) 0v0.5.docxhttp://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/HQMF%20NEXT%20Implementation%20Guidance%2 0v0.5.docx QRDA Implementation Guide Updates based on F2F feedback is in progress Expect to have a version for the community feedback early next week
RI Update PopMedNet Working on i2B2 – PMN Integration i2B2 NY DOH Pilot creating the ontology based on Green CDA concepts and the i2B2 codes. Working on Reverse Translator (HQMF to i2b2) using the Intermediate Translation model. hQuery Review of HQMF IG and working on MU measures
QRDA Update and Discussion Erik to review HL7 scope statement
HQMF Consensus Voting Feedback Lots of editorial comments, style and consistency issues Support Team will be working on getting these properly incorporated. Request for more examples showing the variations Would like to solicit community help to create more examples. Gaps that need to be further analyzed / worked: Add ability to count encounters / procedures in addition to patients Add support for Ratios / Continuous variables Add functions to support timing constraints Add functions to support ordering constraints Add ability for time constraints to have logical operations of multiple time references Bind Stratifiers to population criteria elements Allow reusable XML snippet definitions similar to data criteria Align QDM / CEDD and HQMF and describe the alignment in more detail Plan to have small Sub-WG and a Google group mailing list focused to work on the issues.
HQMF to Procedural Translator UML Model (Intermediate Model) UML Model : HQMF Intermediate UML Model.docx XSD: HQMF Intermediate.xsd Sample XML for NQF0059 : NQF59_IntermediateRepresentation.xml Google Repository Location: Intermediate UML Model: health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fmodeling (HQMF Intermediate Translator UML Model.docx) health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fmodeling Intermediate Schema: health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fschemas (HQMF Intermediate Translator.xsd) health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fschemas Sample: health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fsamples (HQMF Intermediate Representation.xml) health/source/browse/#hg%2FStandards%2Fhqmf%2Fsamples Translator from HQMF to Intermediate Model: health/source/browse/#hg%2Fsource%2FTranslators%2FHQMF%20to%20Intermediate %20Modelhttp://code.google.com/p/query- health/source/browse/#hg%2Fsource%2FTranslators%2FHQMF%20to%20Intermediate %20Model
Next Steps Specification Usage Review the HQMF To Procedural Translator UML Model/XSD and XML and translator provide comments Participate in the resolution of HQMF consensus comments Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository -