Arriving at the Marae On Wednesday Whanau Atawhai went to a marae called Oparure Marae. We had a man to Karanga mai us into their marae.
Korero time We had a korero about Hotumauea. Hotumauea also lived for a time at Oparure. Matua Bill looked at it and really enjoyed this carving. Hotumauea is also on the teko teko at the top of the marae. We wonder how he travelled?
Kai time “Haere mai tamariki ma, Haere mai. Kia Ora kids” said Matua Sonny. “Time for kai time, let’s go and have a big shared kai”.
Waiata time It’s nearly time to go but before we leave, Oparure Marae sing a song for our safe journey back to Vardon school.
Ka Kite ano
Index of Maori words Karanga/Welcome people to a place Marae/Meeting place Tamariki ma/Children Korero/Talk or conversation Matua/Mr. or man Ka Kite Ano/Good bye Kai/food By Matenga Whatarangi and Taylor-Rose Rangi
Quiz time Q.What does Karanga means? A. Hello B. Good bye C. Welcoming D. Eating time Q. What does tamariki means A. Kids B. Food C. Shoes