Stretched belemites Found in Jr - K strata Hard parts of a marine animal related to squid Preseved calcite fibers
When stretched, the conical rod breaks into separate pieces Spaced filled by calcite or quartz during deformation Stretched belemites office a means of measuring extension (e).
Determing extension (e) Measure total length by reconstructing the separated pieces. Knowing the length before (l o ) and after (l f ), Evaluate e, and ' and construct a Mohr strain diagram.
Stretching direction Mineral lineation produced by calcite grains. Lineation marks the extension direction Measure the angle between overall trend of the belemite fragments and the strain ellipse long axis for each fossil.
A: = 33°, ' = 0.62 B: = 62°, ' = 0.75 The stretch direction allows us to determine the q value for belemnite A and B. How do we construct a Mohr circle using the values for these deformed fossils, and determine the ' 1 and ' 3 (the principal quadratic elongation values).
Draw the circle first on graph paper and don't worry about the scale initially. Plot the 2 angles, draw the Mohr circle, and now make your scale, given values for fossil A and B
Draw the circle first on graph paper and don't worry about the scale initially. Plot the 2 angles, draw the Mohr circle, and now make your scale, given values for fossil A and B