AUSTRALIA’S RESEARCH PERFORMANCE IN AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT 14 July 2008 Jessie Borthwick Science and Research Division
Impact of scientific publications by OECD country
Share of top 1% of highly cited publications
increase of approx. 200 publications per year increase of approx. 600 publications per year Source: ISI data analysed for FEAST by the ANU Research Evaluation and Policy Project (REPP) Joint publications 'Engaged' publications 'Insular' publications Total publications
Investment measures Gross expenditure on R&DGERD as % GDP
GERD comparisons Data source: DEST, 2006, Australian Science and Innovation System, A Statistical Snapshot 2006, Chart 1.2.2, p 7.
Australia's innovation system Percentage contribution to expenditure on R&D, by sector of performance selected countries, 2000
Australia's innovation system Source: OECD Science and Technology Indicators 2007
Investment measures Higher education expenditure on R&D HERD as % GDP
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