Wayne Huebner Vice Provost for Research University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO presentation to: F 3 August 15, 2006 Research UMR: Serving the needs of Missouri and our Nation
UMR’s Vision A university whose faculty and staff are committed to the success of students through excellence in teaching and enhanced learning programs A university where faculty, staff and students conduct nationally-competitive research to meet societal needs
The Role of Research Humankind continues to improve itself through understanding and knowledge. Research plays the pivotal role in continually advancing knowledge. Research activities at UMR should: strengthen and enhance student learning (undergraduate research assistants, graduate students) be the engine for for economic development of the state of Missouri and our nation through technology transfer play a key role in our external reputation Research & scholarship are at the heart of a 1st tier comprehensive research university.
UM campuses are currently engaged in the establishment of performance goals and measures to assess progress in implementing the UM Strategic Plan: Six Strategic Themes I.Access to Quality Learning and Teaching II.Academic and Research Achievement and Quality III.Community-University Engagement IV.Valuing People and Creating a High-Performing Organization V.Improving Core Processes VI.Developing and Managing Resources. Each theme has several strategic goals. The campuses and system administration are expected to develop strategies within their respective plans to achieve the goals not later than UM Strategic Plan:
UM Strategic Plan: ; Strategic Theme: Research Achievement and Quality (RAQ) Elements related to research achievement and advancement are contained within Theme II and Theme VI of the UM strategic plan: Theme II Strategic Goals: 1.UM should invest in selected programs that will raise its national standing. 2.UM should hire and retain an additional 10 National Academy faculty. 3.UM should achieve doctoral-research extensive status for UMKC, UMSL and UMR and support enhancement of UMC's status as an AAU institution. 4.UM should become a national leader in life science research. 5.UM should enhance its interdisciplinary research and instructional programs. Theme VI Strategic Goals (directly related to research) 1.UM should secure $400 million in external research funding annually.
Important Research Measures Research expenditures proposal submissions proposal awarded indirect $ generated; cost sharing # Ph.D. students graduated/faculty member/year # publications/faculty member/year Faculty with national awards e.g. National Academy Membership Technology Transfer Related: Attraction of entrepreneurial faculty Invention disclosures, patents, licenses, royalty stream, venture capital $, start-up companies….
Total: $32.0 M 12.9% growth over FY05 FY 06: Proposals Awarded
Total: $116.2 M FY 06: Proposals Submitted -13.0% compared to FY05
FY : Comparison Submitted Awarded
80% of the load carried by:Assistant:Top 34% Associate:Top 33% Full:Top 22% FY 05 Average Research Expenditures Breakdown by Faculty Category
Research productivity goals Space Indirect waiver / cost sharing Gifts for research Equipment matching Academic year release University Research integrity / industry relationsconflicts of interest Use of university research Intellectual property/ facilities tech transfer Indirect return Major policy issues related to research growth:
Keys to Attaining Research Goals Identify and develop strategic responses to major research opportunities, and provide mechanisms to facilitate them Work cooperatively with the UM system’s Office of Government Relations Encourage and coordinate intercollege, interdisciplinary research Work with the administration to foster research collaborations outside the boundaries of our institution Develop university positions on major policy issues related to research
Promote appropriate research programs / activities of the campus Encourage undergraduate and graduate student participation in research Foster strong relations between the UMR research community and federal / industrial partners A smooth-running Office of Sponsored Programs Strong relationship with the development office Pursuit of emerging opportunities will dictate a need to raise funds for research infrastructure (buildings, labs, chaired professorships..) Keys to Attaining Research Goals
Mission The mission of the UMR Office of Sponsored Programs is to enhance and facilitate University research and external funding by providing services, in a timely and professional manner, to all persons involved with sponsored program activities. Office of Sponsored Programs
#1 Resource: Time Must be protected with vigor and used wisely #1 Asset: People Who we hire, tenure and promote are the most important decisions we make. We must create an environment where the best, brightest and most creative faculty and staff are attracted and unleashed.