MATADEPERA Raul Iniesta Jordi Valls
MATADEPERA Matadepera is a village in Catalonia at about 30km from Barcelona. It is located at about 423 meters over the sea. Matadepera has got about inhabitants.
MATADEPERA People in Matadepera and Catalonia speak 2 languages: Catalan and Spanish. Matadepera is located under the Natural Parc of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’ Obac. It is surrounded by hills and mountains. Bon Dia Buenos Días
OUR LANDSCAPE La Mola is the most important mountain in this Natural Park. It is about 1000 meters high. At the top of the mountain there is a medieval monastery. From Matadepera there is a 40 minutes walk to get there.
Our school is named Institut Matadepera. It has about 545 students and 50 teachers. In our school we have participated in a lot of language projects: school exchanges with France and the USA, a Comenius Project, ….