Introduction to the Database Society of the China Computer Federation (CCF DBS) On behalf of President of DBS-CCF Prof. Shan Wang Xiaoyong Du, Wei Wang
CCF-DBS (Database Society) is a branch of China Computer Federation, established in Awards of Best Societies of CCF in 2004 and 2006 Chair person: Shan Wang (Renmin Univ. of China) Steering committee: 43 database researchers from more than 30 universities and research institutes
National Database Conference have been held 23 times
数据库年会学术论文和 规模 1977 第一届全国数据库学术会议 25 名代表 7 篇论文 2001 第十八届全国数据库会议 300 余名代表 314 篇 2002 第十九届全国数据库会议 200 余名代表 394 篇 2003 第二十届全国数据库会议 300 余名代表 490 篇 2004 第二十一届全国数据库会议 678 篇 论文的数量逐年递增,录取率逐年递减 标志着数据库年会影响范围的扩大和论文质量的提高
submission accepted persons
数据库年会学术论文和规模 2004 年 9 月于厦门大学
VLDB Database School (China) Sponsor: VLDB Endowment Organizer: CCF DBS Chairman: Hongjun Lu ( ) Shan Wang (2005-) Objective: promote database related research and teaching in China Invites internationally recognized researchers to give short courses
27/09/2002 – 03/10/2002: –Suzhou University –78 students –50 universities 19/07/2004 – 24/07/2004: –Shandong Agricultural University –81 students –29 universities 9/01/2006 – 13/01/2006: –Heilongjiang University –61 students –27 university/institutes VLDB Database School (China)
International Collaboration ACM Sigmod VLDB Endowment DBSJ Hong Kong Web Society IPSJ SIGDB
The First DBSJ-CCF-DBS Executive Meeting April, Japan The Second DBSJ-CCF-DBS Executive Meeting May, Beijing In DEWS Okinawa
In NDBC 2006, Guangzhou In NDBC2005, Huhhot
Hosted or Co-Hosted Conferences DASFAA 2005 Beijing ER 2004 Shanghai VLDB 2002 Hong Kong CODAS 2001 Beijing PAKDD 1999 Beijing WAIM SIGMOD07Beijing PAKDD 2007 Nanjing