The Future of Road Safety and Casualty Reduction in the UK Simon D’Vali Planning, Transportation and Highways
The Current State of Road Safety Removal of Road Safety Grant…no dedicated RS funding anymore; Revenue based funding is always the first target for cuts; Casualty levels are still on a downward trend nationally…..well done everyone!
Identify the problem Get clever about data collection! -Mapping Exercise (casualties across the district); -Stats 19 and health data; Break down the types of injury and casualty; Make the people responsible for the decision making aware; Secure enough financial support to deal with the issue.
All Injuries in West Yorkshire
Overcoming the Reduction in Funding…. Setting local targets……. NI47 and NI48 (Child and All KSIs) West Yorkshires Local Transport Plan has an aspirational target of attaining a 50% reduction in KSIs by 2026 from the baseline. This helps identify the issue with the people that need to know and will help with the budget making process; Targets have a proven track record.
Partnership Working Do you have a Safer Roads Partnership? Do you have a Road Safety Plan? –Emergency Services; –Public Health; –Safe Guarding Board; –Neighbourhood Services; –Road Safety; –Highways –Transport bodies (bus, freight, cycle groups, pedestrian groups).
Public Health – a joint approach Strategic Framework for Road Safety Public Health Outcomes Framework NICE Guidance LTP and Local Delivery – linked back to PHOF JSNA Road Safety Plan Safeguarding Children Board/CDOP Children’s Trust Health and Well Being Board
PHOF and Road Safety Report showing the links between PHOF and Road Safety; Think outside of Road Safety and look at the wider determinants of Health…. - Cardio-vascular issues; - Obesity; - Movement issues; - Health inequalities due to poverty. Public Health now fund the Road Safety Team from the Public Health Grant. Extra funding for cycling and walking initiatives.
Engagement and Monitoring
Summary Collate robust data; Set targets even if it is not a corporate objective; Partnership working leads to other funding opportunities; Think beyond Road Safety; Make further links into corporate documents like the JSNA; Create your own Corporate document if you don’t have one; Start a Road Safety Partnership, invite anyone with a professional interest; WORK WITH YOUR ENGINEERS…….they can help.
Useful links Strategic framework for road safety road-safetyhttps:// road-safety West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (2011 – 2026) EB6FA244C31E/0/LSSED18WestYorkshireThirdLocalTransportPlanLT P.pdfhttp:// EB6FA244C31E/0/LSSED18WestYorkshireThirdLocalTransportPlanLT P.pdf Bradford Road Safety Plan AAC7-4E6FF /0/RoadSafetyPlan2012.pdfhttp:// AAC7-4E6FF /0/RoadSafetyPlan2012.pdf NICE (National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence) Public Health guidelines: PH 29 and PH 31