Holocaust Remembrance Day
I am here You are not You were there I was not I am ---------- you are not I will not forget you.
Read the poem and answer the following questions: 1. What is this poem about? The poem is about… In the poem, there is a… and … Who do you think is speaking? Who is "I"? Who is "you"?
What does the speaker want to say in the poem? 4. Where is "there"? Give names of such places. 5. What word is missing in line 5? Fill in your own word.
6. Why does the writer "erase" that word? 7. There are no punctuation marks, except in the last line. Why? 8. Why does the speaker call himself I and not we? 9. What title would give the poem?
Hannah Szenes 1921-1944
A walk to Caesarea O Lord, my God. I pray that these things never end A walk to Caesarea O Lord, my God. I pray that these things never end. The sand and the sea. The rush of the waters. The crash of the Heavens. The prayer of Man.
Hannah Szenes liked simple things such as the sky, the sea, sand… What things in life do you like and find important? Fill in the lines with your own words: I pray that these things never end: The______________________________________. The _______________________________of Man.