Activities associated interviewing prospective students
Student sends application to admissions Application passes to Faculty Office Faculty Office invites for interview by or letter Student accepts appointment by telephone or Academic interviews prospective student Academic passes application form back to administrator Administrator sends application form back to admissions Admissions write to student with outcome Student applies through UCAS Admissions arranges interview using electronic system Student accepts interview through UCAS Track Admissions send full interview details to applicant Academic checks online for list of students who will be attending interview (Report on Monday and Thursday) Telephone students who haven’t accepted if close to interview date Academic interviews prospective student Academic specifies whether the outcome of interview is Accept/ Reject or Failed to Attend Admissions write to student with outcome Old process New process Student Admissions Interviewing
Opportunities associated with interviewing prospective students Check students own perception of their academic ability and transferable skills Check students aspirations to measure the link between what we offer and what they want Opportunity students to become familiar with the surroundings and atmosphere at the UoB Opportunity for students to meet their peer group through tour carried out by Student Ambassadors Opportunity for students to meet their tutors
GOOD PRACTICE Reputable Programme Friendly and welcoming atmosphere/staff Built the programme – uniquely different than majority. Check other programmes for content and mode of delivery. Programme that builds careers Strong team – lecturing (available to engage before programme start) and support staff (technicians) – work together – support each others strengths Taster – student gets to experience small part of programme Good facilities Word of mouth from successful students Group interview (different numbers depending on programme, eg if need to show portfolio 5 at max, if group work then 20 might work Make interview fun and engaging - 5 years after graduate, what would I see if I google you? Video equipment in motion and opportunity to talk to students Ambassadors representative of all programme
Strong Programme, Team and Facilities Open Day – start of Student Experience Pre Interview work and communication to prepare Interview Tour by student peers (mini open day). Various marketing activities Pre programme work and communication to prepare Engagement with student keeping them warm and enhancing their experience