Integrated Training Course Jetway Integrated Training Course
Jetway Integrated Training One continuous training programme over approximately 18 months Five flight stages with Theoretical knowledge completed in two stages Basic is carried out in tandem with Stage one and two of flying Advanced is then completed full time before final stages of flying
Phase One Basic Flight Training including circuits Culminates with first solo circuit 13 hours Tecnam P2008
Phase Two Intermediate training including Navigation and introduction into instrument flight 33 hours Tecnam Aircraft 5 hours FNPT Simulator ALX
Phase Three Advanced visual flight training progressing to more complex aircraft Also covered is night flying, radio navigation and instrument flight, general handling and limited panel operations 6.5 hours Tecnam (night) 48.5 hours PA28 + PA28R 5 hours ALX FNPT2
Phase Four VFR multi engine conversion Advanced instrument training including applied instrument flight and approaches and airways flight 30 hours ALX FNPT2 50 hours DA42
Phase Five MCC/JOC Multi – crew Co-operation Jet Operator Course Medium Size generic Jet (B737/A320) Jet familiarisation, RTO, EFATO, System failures, Upset Training all as part of the normal two crew set up on Turbo fan aircraft 24 hours ALX
Jetway Integrated Training Integrated Course Utilises brand new Tecnam glass cockpit Aircraft for basic training 3 x actual twin engine flight time as modular route Perceived by some airlines as superior product (although biggest employer of low hour cadets eg. Ryanair, Flybe etc. will take graduates from other scheme )