Internet Leased Line Up to 2Mb Uncontended
Internet Leased Lines Leased Line - Product Description 64Kb, 128Kb, 256Kb, 512Kb and 2Mb dedicated bandwidth options IP Allocation 3 Domain names 50MB of commercial Web space 2 electronic fax to numbers Set up of DNS and Mail services Price Price for a circuit is dependant on access technology and distance to our nearest point of presence. Pricing for each customer should therefore be sought from your sales support administrator.
How it works: Internet Leased Lines
Market Information Estimates are between £530mn and £600mn 2.8% market share Product Life Cycle Moving towards the end of the product lifecycle for general Internet Access as other, cheaper, technologies such as ADSL and SDSL become more widely available. However there are numerous circumstances when an Internet Leased Line is more appropriate than a xDSL circuit: where hosted services are required where upstream is as vital as downstream where the bandwidth cannot be shared or contended. Competitors BT, Cable and Wireless, Colt, Easynet, Tiscali
Internet Leased Lines Product Positioning The additional web services make this attractive to those wishing to host services. Target Market Used across all market sectors. We have, as you might expect, higher volumes of engineering and IT companies than any others. Product Strengths and Unique Selling Points We are now particularly competitive in central London. Product Weaknesses We do not offer 1Mb services as standard. We are not able to offer them at competitive rates.
Internet Leased Lines Target Wins This should be sold where an un-contended, or dedicated, bandwidth with symmetric upstream and downstream are required. Selling Against The Competition & Business Benefits Experienced ISP with strong technical support and SLA’s