Jefferson Lab’s Enabling Technologies: A Call for Strategic Planning W. OREN JLAB Engineering Division 9 February 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Jefferson Lab’s Enabling Technologies: A Call for Strategic Planning W. OREN JLAB Engineering Division 9 February 2012

Enabling Technology Characteristics: –Essential to accelerator operations and the experimental program –Lab-driven: design, development, engineering and application requires unique skills –Extends the Lab’s scientific reach –In some cases, provides efficiencies and cost-savings required for successful facility upgrades and new experimental equipment projects

Enabling Technology – A Refined Definition We need many enabling technologies but one could think of 3 different levels: 1.The product or service is not readily available outside the lab and our needs push the technology. (Cryogenics) 2.The product or service might be available outside the lab but we must have an expert to “manage” it. (Magnets) 3.We could buy it outside the lab but we really need to have it here to be successful. (Alignment)

Jefferson Lab’s Enabling Technology Why include in strategic planning? –Enabling technologies are essential for success of the lab’s experimental program and scientific extensions –Strategic investment will sustain the core engineering capabilities needed to deliver scientific program –Targeted R&D will advance core technology and provide efficiencies and cost-savings required for successful facility upgrades and new experimental equipment projects

Enabling Technologies at JLab Magnets –Superconducting –Normal conducting SRF Engineering –Cryomodule/mechanical engineering –RF modeling and structures –RF controls 2K Cryogenics Detectors/fast electronics High-powered targets Beam diagnostics Engineered safety systems What else????

How Do We Sustain the Identified Technologies? These are unique technologies essential for achieving the scientific mission (where is the work??): 1.At Jefferson Lab NP program & FEL (12 GeV, XX GeV, MEIC?, FEL??…) 2.At DOE/NP Laboratories NP projects and experimental programs (FRIB, EIC, RHIC…) 3.At DOE/SC Laboratories and beyond SC projects and experimental programs (NGLS, ILC, …) International (ESS, …)

What’s Next? Develop Lab’s strategic plan for science (Town meetings) Lab Planning Group identify the key enabling technologies needed to achieve the scientific mission at JLab and, by extension, support the U.S. and international science community Develop a strategic readiness plan for each enabling technology –Technology requirements –R&D, as appropriate –Resource projections –Schedule –Partnerships

What is Next? Jefferson Lab Mission JLAB Enabling Technologies JLAB Planning Group “What technology does the Lab sustain?” Readiness Strategy  SC Magnets  NC Magnets  Cryomodule/ME  RF Modeling and Structures  2K Cryogenics  Detector & Fast Electronics  High-powered Target  Beam Dynamics  Engineered Safety  Technology R&D  Efficiency gains  Cost-savings  Expertise  Partnerships  NP at JLab: 12 GeV 50 GeV  NP at DOE Labs: FRIB EIC NGLS ILC, ESS  SC at DOE Labs & Beyond: JLAB Enabling Technologies-Applied