Department of Electrical Engineering presentation On “400 KV GSS, BIKANER” Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY Rajasthan Technical University, Kota) In Department of Electrical Engineering Submitted to: Submitted by:
OVER VIEW OF GSS INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF GSS COMPONANTS 1st grid sub station of raj. (transformer rating -315mva) Established cost:- 74+60 cr Length of 400kv line:- 161 km PURPOSE OF GSS COMPONANTS
INDEX Over view of GSS Signal Line Diagram Lighting Arrester Capacitor Voltage Transformer(CVT) Transformer Protective Relay Circuit Breaker-Air Blast & SF6 CB Isolator Insulators Current Transformer Potential Transformer Control Panel &PLCC Battery Room Description
LIGHTING ARRESTER WHAT IS LIGHTING ARRESTER?? It is a safety valve, provide a low impedance path to ground For current comes from the lighting stokes or transient voltage and restore the normal condition
CVT Application 1- Voltage measuring 2-Flitering 3-To operate a protective relay Location at sub station
TRANSFORMER Introduction Principal of Transformer Diff. b/w Power & Distribution Trans. Brief Idea of Auto Transformer -Definition -Advantages -Disadvantages
PROTECTIVE RELAY & WAVE TRAP -Function of Relay -Purpose of Relay WHAT IS WAVE TRAP ?? -Wave Traps are simply resonant circuits that produce a high impedance against PLCC carrier frequencies (24kHz - 500kHz) while allowing power frequency (50Hz – 60Hz). -With CVT it is used for filtering
INSULATOR The insulators are connected with the cross arm of supporting structure. The insulators provide necessary insulation between line conductors and supports. Types of Insulating material 1.Porcelian 2.Glass Types of insulators- 1. Pin type 2. Shackle type 3. String or Suspension type 4. Strain or tension type
ISOLATOR Isolator" is one, which can break and make an electric circuit in no load condition. These are normally used in various circuits for the purposes of Isolation
CIRCUIT BREAKER A circuit breaker is also used for circuit switching under normal conditions. High-voltage AC circuit breakers are routinely available with ratings up to 765,000 volts. Apart from breaking and making contacts, a C.B. should be capable of doing. Continuously carry the maximum current at point of installation. Make and break the circuit under abnormal and normal condition. Close or open the faulty section only where fault exists.
AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER The principle of arc interruption in air blast circuit breakers is to direct a blast of air, at high pressure and velocity,
CURRENT TRANSFORMER It can be used to supply information for measuring power flows Current transformers are also used for street lighting circuits.
POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER A potential transformer (PT) is used to transform the high voltage of a power line to a lower value, The voltage transformers are classified as under: •Capacitive voltage transformer or capacitive type •Electromagnetic type
CONTROL ROOM Control panel contain meters, control switches and recorders located in the control building These are used to control the substation equipment to send power from one circuit to another or to open or to shut down circuits when needed.
CAPACITOR BANK The capacitor bank provides reactive power at grid substation. Benefits of using the capacitor bank 1 .Increased voltage level at the load 2. Reduced system losses