GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat Algorithms for CU8 (1/10)
Algorithms for CU8 (2/10) Use photometry of unresolved ‘slow’ sources to determine the broad class of the object (single star, binary, QSO, …) GWP-S-821Discrete Source Classifier (DSC) Manager: C.Bailer-Jones GWP-S-822Generalized Stellar Parametrizer – Photometry (GSP-Phot) Manager: C.Bailer-Jones Estimate APs for the full range of type of single stars based on photometry (and parallaxes in late-mission) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat x x
Algorithms for CU8 (3/10) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat GWP-S-823Generalized Stellar Parametrizer – Spectroscopy (GSP-Spec) Manager: A.Recio-Blanco Estimate APs for the full range of type of single stars based on RVS and GSP-Phot GHOST contribution: provide spectral criteria for hot stars and emission line stars (?) x
Algorithms for CU8 (4/10) Manager: Y.Frémat The Extended Stellar Parametrizer (GWP-S ) will propose and test alternatives for the treatment of a restricted subset of "extreme" stars: to provide a better estimate of the astrophysi- cal parameters; to provide additional parameters suitable to the specific type of object; to explain, when needed, the origin of astro- physical parameters discrepancies. GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat x GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP) GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP)
Algorithms for CU8 (5/10) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat Hot Stars Cool Stars Emission Line Stars Anomalous Abundance Stars Teff > ~ K Teff < ~ K > ~ 2500 K C.Neiner C.Martayan A.C.Lanzafame V.Straizys D.Barrado Teff < ~ 2500 K Ultra Cool Dwarfs /Stars GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP)
Hot Stars Cool Stars Emission Line Stars Anomalous Abundance Stars Teff > ~ K Teff < ~ K > ~ 2500 K C.Neiner C.Martayan A.C.Lanzafame V.Straizys D.Barrado Teff < ~ 2500 K Ultra Cool Dwarfs /Stars GHOST Algorithms for CU8 (6/10) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP)
Algorithms for CU8 (7/10) x GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP)
Algorithms for CU8 (8/10) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP)
GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat Algorithms for CU8 (9/10) GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP) Development plan First algorithm delivery: mid-April 2007 (end of cycle 2) !! Objective: Provide a prototype of the java interface software that will select the right procedure or scenario for a given « extreme-» star with « place-holders » for the procedures. For cycle 3 the « place-holders » will have to be filled. !!!
Algorithms for CU8 (10/10) GWP-S-835Extended Stellar Parametrizer (ESP) GHOST #2: Marseille: Nov 13-14, 2006 – Yves Frémat To Dos … Emission Line Stars: can we do something for cycle 3 ?