TRANSPIRATION The process by which water is given off from plants through evaporation
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING A vascular system transports water throughout a plant and the leaves regulate the flow of water through a plant.
LEARNING GOAL I will design an experiment to determine what happens to water in a celery stalk. I will prepare and study a leaf peel to discover stomates. I will cover the foliage of a plant with a plastic bag to observe condensation - evidence of transpiration. I will describe how water enters a plant's roots and flows through the plant during transpiration. I will explain how stomates open and close to regulate the rate of transpiration. I will describe transpiration as a component of the water cycle.
Variable- what you change in an experiment WORD BANK Variable- what you change in an experiment Control- the standard to which an experiment is compared. It is not subjected to the variable (the change). Controlled Experiment- only one variable is being tested.
Guard Cells- control the size of the openings on leaves. WORD BANK Xylem- the tubelike structures that carry water from the roots throughout the plant. Stomates- pores or holes in the leaves that open and close to regulate the amount of water passing out of the plant. Guard Cells- control the size of the openings on leaves.
REVIEW What happened when celery was put in water? Water level? Where did it go?
TRANSPIRATION The process when water passes through a plant from the roots, to the vascular channels, to the xylem, to the leaves, and then to the stomates. Transpiration ensures that water will be flowing to every cell in the plant at all times!
DROUGHT When water is scarce (not much around), like in the desert, the guard cells on the stomates close to reduce the rate of transpiration. When water is plentiful (lots), the stomates open and water moves through the plant more quickly.
IS WATER PASSING THROUGH THE PLANT? It seems like a lot of water passes through the plant. How can we capture some of the water to confirm that it is really passing through. Think about the video we watched
EXPERIMENT AND MATERIALS Clear bag Labels Rubber band Scale Gram pieces We will go outdoors to find a plant and see if water is passing through it.
PROCEDURE Weigh the bag. Label your bag. Go outside and find a dry plant to put your bag over. Thursday we will observe. What will we look for on Thursday as evidence of Transpiration?