Unit II, Chapter 3 (6,1 txt) Building a new government
Building the Federal Government Inherited problems $52 million dollars in debt Ag based economy, very little industry No navy, 400 man army Little international respect
The Executive Branch Pres - George Washington VP - John Adams Set a number of precedents Few rules or guidelines Limited manpower
The Cabinet Secretary of State - Jefferson Secretary of Treasury - Hamilton Secretary of War - Henry Knox Attorney General - Edmund Randolph Post Master General - Samuel Osgood Today - State, Attorney - General, Defense, Interior, Agriculture, Education, Health/Human Services, Housing & Urban Development, Transport, Energy, Veterans Affairs
Establishing the Supreme Court and Judicial Branch Judiciary Act of 1789 13 Federal Districts 3 circuit courts 6 member Supreme Court - today 9 John Jay - appointed 1st Chief Justice Est. Attorney General - viewed as executive branch